Thank you Innomare..Excellent suggestions...Petrel Yachts looks interesting...if you come across more of such names please do post them...have everything in place but for the name....its soooooo
Here Goes! Hey Carl, That was harsh, but with tact. Least your picking on someonelse I say always put E at the beginning. You can graphically Play with that letter to give Power to your company name. So EnigYachtMatic Excelcior Yachts Exceliyachts Excellyachts Or Efulgentyachts...Look it up in the dictionary. My last company I owned was called CadWorks.. Double meaning if you get my drift.. Take no notice of the font its just an example.. Effulgent mean bright, shining, superior Well I tried. Hope it gives you some Ideas Hey looking at that now I think its good. If you use it I want royalties! :-D