Donnymat You're right about the importance of a brand name. It is however just a small part of the package and I know that most forum members will loudly disagree with me, because even the boat itself is just a small part of the package. You can take my word for it that customer behaviour is changing very rapidly. You do not only supply them with a boat, but you deliver a part of their way of life. Therefor I recommend that you look into your market research and look at the demographic conclusions. Who are your customers?, what is their social status?, what does appeal to them?, what else is part of their lifestyle?, what age are they? etc. These factors can give an indication for the brandname because the brandname has to blend into the other brands they buy. Once you have a brand name it is advisable to create a uniform corporate identity and a logo for the brand. The CI is an often overlooked part of the marketing package. It is however one of the most important parts of the entire company. It is your basic visual refference to your customers. Make sure this CI is used in every part of PR that comes out of the company. It is also important to stick to the CI and not make alterations with every new envelope or business-card you order. The use of slogans and punchlines is also a critical point. When you try to emphesise something important into a couple of words, you are most likely to come up with the wrong once. Coming from a premium brand FMCG giant, I was very surprised about the stupidities that are common in yacht marketing. Remember; It is the package that counts. It has to be spot-on, immaculate and impressive. Doesn't sound to hard I guess. Referring to Carl's comments; he's (again) completely right. There will be more important issues at this point. If you can give me the demographic details of your marketing research, some images of the yacht, even a drawing will do, than I, and others, will be able to come up with a brand name. I would be glad to be the godfather of the company. In a nutshell: If your boats are a genuine 100% revolution in yacht design and performance and if you are 100% sure that this is what the world has been waiting for, for so many decades, than you can forget about everything I wrote above.!! I wish you a lot of luck and strength in all the sleepless nights (they will come for sure) Cheers, Björn
Give Donny A Break Hi Everyone, I am sure donny came to all of us very hopeful of some valuable input. Although there are a few folks that have participated in this thread that have genuinely tried to help, a lot of the suggestions are just a waste of this guys time-- eventhough I am amused by them. With that said, Donny, I noticed that you posted your location as dubai. When I saw that the first thing that came to mind was: Burj Boat Builders I tried to find the meaning of the word burj, but was unable during a very brief google search. I'm just going along the lines of burj al-arab and burj tower.
Thanks Rene and Bjorn hey Rene...nice work on the logo...i guess if you could come up with a nice name then it would be ..see how i am already keeping my development costs kidding Bjorn your suggestions are well taken.I have done quite an indepth study of my target market.I am sure not bringing out any revolutionary yacht design but it will sure revolutionise the boating business in the market here. I have a pretty straight forward business plan but the whole thing is to understand customer need and tailor make the product for them.This is something other brands from outside the region cant do. So the theme is "Think Global.Act Local". Dont want to name the company with my name attached to it.It should be something different. Elegant,Simple to remember,giving an impression as if the name is famous and been heard before,dont want it to be a copy or imitation of another brand and importantly easy to pronounced.
Thanks SocalRP and AMG Thanks SocalRP for your inputs and the suggestion. I am only based here in Dubai but my target markets are in Asia and North Africa.These are the now big markets and places i understand the market dynamics. But unfortunatly none of the name can sound arabic or asian as this is not appreciated by our target clients. It has to sound very much western or generic. The name should not be indicative of the origins of the company-wouldnt mind if people thought it was Italian or French Hey AMG once again good advices These are all just marketing ploys. But the ground reality is a world class 33 footer cabin cruiser.
Good one Neil Thats a good name Neil.How about looking at a name which has a meaning like say 'Azimut'. I know many of the boat builders have their names attached to it but we should consider that they have been building boats for years and the names are well established. A new company trying a similar strategy may not be well accepted unless its a legendry boat builder who is behind the project which is not the case. Something generic but crisp would be ideal. The sketches of the boat are being prepared.At an early stage but once i have them will share it with you all for some expert opinions.
Alright Donny, Have you considered possibly finding a couple of sexy/sophisticated words and seeing if you might be able to come up with a brand name that while unique is still recognizable to the discerning clientele you wich to attract? An example: luxury + exotic w/yachts= Luxotic Yachts It just popped into my head. Doesn't personally sound great to me, but you see what I am getting at, yes? Best of Luck
Thanks Orion Thanks Orion for the effort. Your suggestions are nice and gives me some ideas. Do you think you can modify the words and come up with some other options. The use of Craft in the name looks nice.It also sounds good but it should be prefixed with something very catchy and elegant. Use of nautical words in the right mix also could be nice. I mean something like 'nautica' or 'nautilus'....just a thought...anyone there care to improve or improvise on this???
Dubaifore <<<--- geographical and suggests leading edge technology. Plus, it works with your catchy ad: Want a yacht " to die for?" You need to buy a Dubaifore! Well, it's more exciting than 'DubaiCraft', which is what I'd use so I could finally get on with building the boats. This ain't a Feadship you're building here.
Lets try Nautical Guys..Guys..Guys....i really appreciate all your efforts..i suggest we stay away from geographic names like dubai,emirate,palm isle and things like that.I am sure there are so many nautical names which will ring a bell with all.
Donny, While you're shooting down what appears to be some excellent suggestions, maybe it's time for you to put forward some effort. You want our members to help you name your company, but you have provided NOTHING tangible to associate a name with. ALL we know at this point is you're based in Dubai. It's no surprise that several suggestions included geographical references... because we have nothing else to draw from. So here's an idea... Who don't YOU list all the names you have dreamed up with and WE will let you know which one is best by majority quorum?
To alleviate the "pregnant pause", some more suggestions: Petrel Yachts Flyfish Yachts Coral Boats Swell Craft Red Sea Yachts (ok, that's geographical...) Deep Blue Yachts Or, if that's your style of boat: Floating Condos, Gin Palaces, ... Good luck, Donny! Maybe you should organise a poll on here sometimes... Bruno