Hi People, I am setting up a small yacht building company which will build initially 33 footer cabin cruisers. These boats will be luxurious and very modern in their design. I am on the look out for a very good name for my company. This name should reflect on the product and give it a nice modern feel.It should be easy to pronounce and also to remember. It should be able to pronounce even in a non english speaking country. The name should not be very long but also not too short and could have a meaning.Unfortunatly i like names like Azimut and Chris Craft ...but its already taken. Any creative people out there who have a very good name in mind and can share with me.Thanks for your help guys.
Thanks for the creative tip Hi Loren, that name was quite amusing.But unfortunatly the yachting world is not quite ready to digest that. All creative suggestions are most welcome. Bye
Given a loose definition of the degree to which things tend to go from order to disorder, a less mystifying name for your company might be Fallin' Apart Yachts which, come to think of it, is pretty apt for a lot of vessels without sufficiently wealthy owners.
Hi Donnymat, I've just been through the whole progress of establishing a brand name. I will not give you any suggestions because I think you have to find a name you feel comfortable with. I can only give you a couple of tips for thinks you might have to consider. Avoid a geographical references Avoid any reference to your personal name. If you consider selling the company it can affect the value and usability for the future owner. Please make sure you check all responsible authorities to ensure that there will be no copyright violations. Make absolutely sure that the name reflects the product so people immidiately recognise the product/brand combination. Have fun on your quest!
Good advice by Bjorn. Here are a few names you may NOT want to use… FloatsNot Yacht SOS Boat Builders HereToday Yachts StickySheets Sailboats Gone with the Wind Boats ReefSeeker Day Cruisers
thanks to Bjorn and Neil Thanks for the great advice Bjorn.Sure helps....hmmmmm..wonder why the rest of the people cant come up with some thing interesting...hey Neil..once again an interesting suggestion..thanks mate...if you have more nice ones like these please post em...guys ..guys...its a big opportunity...you may be responsible for naming a legend..
On a more serious note DonnyMat... I have to tell you... naming a company is quite possibly the easiest thing you will ever do, and it is fun too. But, if you can't come up with a name on your own, you may face more serious difficulties with the 1000's of questions & problems that will confront you on an EVERY DAY basis as a boat builder. If you want serious feedback, you need to be more detailed. Otherwise, a few of us are going to use this thread for entertainment. So... show us renderings of the boat, proper names associated with the company, unique technologies or unusual techniques. You can't expect anyone to pull a random name "out of the blue" without a basis in which to draw a name analogy. You said "you like the name Azimut and Chris Craft". So... why not combine them? Do you like Azicraft? (sounds better than MutCraft)
Thank you Camper Thank you Camper for the message. As you know the 'name' of the Company is very very important.Lots of creativity and thinking needs to go into it and i guess for me the easy part seems to be the tough one The forum seems to be a great place to get a few good ideas. Sometimes we all have a good name in our minds which we dont know what to use it for.So basically i am here to tap all your creative minds Regarding rendering and designs...i am still working on it..will share it one day
Heh, heh. Mov-it's guidelines are very interesting and probably right. However, ponder the following companies who'd never considered such "rules": Hatteras Bertram Burger Chris Craft Fountain Broward Denison (did I say that, too?) Ferrari Porsche...
While the origins of the above listed names were based on their founders, or the city/county in which they were founded, YDX raises a good point. Therefore I submit... "MatCraft".