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Crew for Mega Sailing Yacht

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by lashsails, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. lashsails

    lashsails New Member

    Feb 21, 2007
    Cairns, Australia
    Hi folks, Great forum Seems to be mainly folks into big white boats. Any ideas How my partner and I would hunt down crew slots on large sailing boats. Palma/ Valencia. I have owned smaller boats, raced and done some small deliveries. Just sold my business here in OZ and want to get back to what I love. We are a fun Team. Suggestions other than wander the docks. Don't get me wrong we love big white boats... just would love to work on some of the state of the art stuff. Briand designs, Walley... Cheers Kelly
  2. sailandfish

    sailandfish Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    new orleans/ cape coral florida
    Man I had the same questions when I got into it, nobody could point me in any direction. Seems that they sailor crowd are hired by word of mouth and who you know. they all seem to keep to themselves at yachtie locations. Basically after a season other than the fact that I want to sail the crews of these boats made me feel that sticking to power would give more money and people who are a little more friendly and outgoing. But there are of course exceptions and this is just my observation.
  3. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    A good start would be to talk to yachtbrokers that manage large sailing yachts, like BCR in Antibes;