Went by one of the post-show gatherings and wanted to try and film one of those searchlight units. Understand that it was very windy and hard to hold still while the lens was open, didn't have a tripod and was standing out in an open area. I reduced them to make them appear a little clearer. Just messing with the camera but some interesting results.
Sure was interesting watching the sun cruz casino boat miss Charade and crash into Ohana during hurricane wilma on the dania canal. Left a nice mark on her. No unfortunately I didnt think to take pics at this moment, would have been cool though.
Good eye Brandon! One of our members is located at this marina. He's the captain of an 80's era Broward on the face dock. BTW... good to finally meet you. For those of you who don't know Brandon, he's kind of a VIP, but he's also a regular, down to earth enthusiast like the rest of us.
I thought that superstructure looked familiar. I kept meaning to take a walk over there and take a few pics. Carl, you should change my title to "Senior VIP Member"