Amels #451 is named Deniki IMO number: 1009077 Gross tonnage: 628 Type of ship: Yacht Year of build: 2006 Flag: Cayman Islands Status of ship: In Build
Yes the m/y Deniki is indeed in build and is progressing very well at the moment. Dark Blue hull and offwhite superstructure. She has the nice contrast that i always love to talk about. M/y Deniki is not big by todays standards but she sure will be spacious. She runs a length of about 52M or 171.6 feet. Designed by the famous Tim Heywood she is a proud reflection of his work. For more you can check the Waterman Marine Consultancy website.. there are one or two pic on their website showing the m/y Deniki.
Here is another shot of the m/y Deniki. Reportedly left the building shed on Saturday. From:
Are my eyes playing games with me or is there something wrong with the sun deck????????? Proportions seem to be out of whack"
Do you think the arch is too far aft or maybe you experience something like Teenna did on another Heywood design..?
"Are my eyes playing games with me or is there something wrong with the sun deck????????? Proportions seem to be out of whack"(quoted from Congac) Well I really do not see anything wrong with the sundeck of m/y Deniki. I think maybe the angle that the angled pillars that holding up the hardtop is decieving you.
The arch grows on you I guess. The issue I have is with the side of the sundeck. Too bulbous (for lack of a better description)
I guess they(Tim Heywood and his peoples) were trying to do something like what is seen on m/y Solemar.
There is another shot of the m/y Deniki.. From:
Brandon,that seems like the same pic posted in the link above yours...well yea.. the one i posted the other day.
Well, yet another LE from Amels... this one appears to be the #453 and I believe this one from the the same #453
There are new photos of the Deniki on this link: She was going out on her trials.
The second hull of the Amels LE 171 series is underway as concerning seatrials. Hull #452 was on trial recently:
I read that the second LE 171 hull number 452 is to be called La Mirage. Anyone else has confirmation?
The Amels LE 171 Hull numbers 453 and 454 are in the building shed for fitting, painting and so on. The 454 was floated to the to Amels on a barge on her way to the shed.
453 is ofcourse out now as WERE DREAMS, 454 still in the shed and 455 is on it's way. Might still be sheltering at Brunsbuttel (Germany) but expected here in the next couple of days. As far as I know she will join 454 and will go into the shed on a pontoon / trailer.
Fellow member MaritimePhoto has a few new pictures on his website of the Were Dreams departing Flushing, Holland.
Deniki A little old news I suppose but there is a feature story on Deniki in the April/May issue of Showboats magazine. Interesting that the foredeck davit raises into the vertical position and has the steaming lights on top.