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Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by brian eiland, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    This was sent to me just a few days ago. It is PAINFUL to watch !!

    Dear Friends and lovers of the ocean;

    Sometimes the ocean needs our help, and this is one of them,
    To view the video is very disturbing, to not act in stopping such behaviour would be a travesty ...

    At the very least please sign this online petition. Lovers of the ocean and it's inhabitants - this is a clear call to action...... To do nothing is to approve of it.

    Please take the time to look at the video and sign the online petition. From little things, big things grow........

    And then send it on to as many like minded people that you know. If we build the numbers, we will be heard eventually and things will change, one way or the other

    Please help! We must change the way people think about their oceans and inhabitants for the good of us all.

    Captain XXXX
    XXXX Fishing Adventures

    Click on links below:

    The video -

    The petition -
  2. SoCalRP

    SoCalRP New Member

    Nov 7, 2006
    Orange Co., CA
    Cultural Differences

    Hey there Brian, I followed the link and was just absolutely horrified by what I saw. I will sign the petition, as well as pass this e-mail to every single person in my address book in addition to posting this on every forum I have ever submitted to.

    While I in no way condone what the Japanese do as far as it concerns their fishing practices, I have to remain mindful that their culture is very different from ours in respect to how they view and place importance upon the lives of other creatures. I imagine that if you were to look at their situation without feeling/emotion, you might draw the conclusion that they are doing what they can to feed themselves in spite of very little in the way of natural resources due to their relatively tiny land mass.

    I have actually seen worse from the Japanese (and to any of you who wish to chastise me for making an ethnic sterotype as you read this please understand what I am about to write of is considered a delicacy in Japan). I am really into food and was watching a program about food in Japan. In this program they showed some folks at a restaurant order the house specialty-- deep fried cat! Did they go and get a dead, skinned gutted cat from the fridge to fry? No, of course not, they need this delicacy to be fresh, so they do the following: they went to a cage with a bunch of cats in it, armed with a stick with razor blades attached to the end; they swing the weapon and strike a cat in the head; as soon as they have struck the cat enough times to incapacitate it they skin it and then throw it into the fryer. I almost vomited watching this-- the show was VERY graphic. It just shows that the Japanese have very, very little regard for life other than human life.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a member of PETA, not a vegetarian or a vegan. No, I don't agree with people eating cats, dogs, whales, dolphins, or animals that our culture has domesticated and used for our personal enrichment. However, I do understand that the cows I so love and bloodthirstily devour are revered in Hindu religion, and that there are other examples I could state. The point is this-- if you have to kill an animal for survival, do it with some measure of respect. In the case of this video, if you have to kill dolphins, which totally ticks me off, then at least have the decency to grab a shotgun and put a slug into the poor little guys brain, right out of the water-- don't drag it on the street behind your ****** little truck, slash it open like your koshering it, then let it writhe anround in agony while it simultaneously suffocates and bleeds out-- that is just downright barbaric. I bet if any of them every had the pleasure of sharing a wave with a dolphin, as I have on many occasions they would think differently. Who knows-- maybe surfing is tha answer.
  3. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Bravo! Well said!!!
  4. SoCalRP

    SoCalRP New Member

    Nov 7, 2006
    Orange Co., CA
    Thanks Carl!
  5. Garry Hartshorn

    Garry Hartshorn Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2005
    Directly above the center of the earth
    I try very hard not to be prejudgist towards anyone from any nationality but I am afraid that just put my notions back about 60 years not that I was even born then.
  6. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006

    I just had a look at the video...Oh dear.. i don't no what to cruel...
    But i mean that everyday we kill fish to eat...clean the seafloors of King Crab, and shrimp and so on yet we do not see it as brutal to these smaller creatures. So should we be flustered by what was seen on the video posted?

    I guess mabe because the dolphins are more close to our size well bigger.. but you know what i mean...that is seems like murder.. I just can't believe it.. and the way they do it.. so graphic.
  7. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    There is a way to treat food with respect and there are ways that animals are killed with no respect shown.
    Without waxing philosphical.. what goes around comes around.
  8. Garry Hartshorn

    Garry Hartshorn Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2005
    Directly above the center of the earth
    I HAVE BEEN SO DEEPLY SICKENED BY WHAT I HAVE SEEN I CAN NOT PUT IT INTO WORDS................... I own a farm and I have killed numerious animals in the course of farming, but the total disregard an disrespect shown by these individuals makes me sick. I can not put into words what I feel.

    I sincerly hope that everyone on yachtforums sends a message via the petition The petition -
  9. MaxResolution

    MaxResolution Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2007
    Little Rock
    I'll have the- V e g e t a b l e -platter!

    My needs are really very simple. Now, I'm thinking plain old sea-weed will do.

    No one can escape the fact that an immediate revision of our global farming practices are desperately in order. The soils we call farms are depleated of vital micronutrients, and it's affected every component of the food-chain. You already have to buck the system just to obtain any non-iradiated, fluoridated or pesticide filled, organically grown foods. Most meats are out of the question. I'm further convinced that I can only survive, spiritually, if I can fulfill the path I'm drawn to. This involves carrying contemporary knowledge deep into some off-the- path underdeveloped countryside, and forming a tribe of otherwise naive hunter-gatherers. A place where anyone would doubtless be shocked at the very sight of the 'Swiss Family Robinson'-style community that I envision. And while it's actually being done in the Amazon, those who would share in these ideals are moreover addicted to out 1st world ideals of 'progress.'

    Meanwhile, show me your 'test-kit,' before we partake of those lovely Oysters Rockefeller, will ya?
  10. Roys Luciano

    Roys Luciano New Member

    Aug 10, 2006
    The Netherlands & Germany.
    I have signed the petition, this really has to stop, terrible.

    Sign everybody to stop that.........
  11. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Fish our Lifeless Seas

    This is very true. The longliners from Japan will quickly decimate an area and then move on. I know they got a contract from Vietnam back in the 90's and I suspect that is pretty scarce fishing now....used to pull HUGH lobster out of there...I wonder now?

    And how about our own Grand Banks. I was in a museum in Nova Scotia last year and marveled at the Cod and Scallop fishing that once was. Look what's left!!

    I have written in the past about a very dangerous sonar threat to our world's oceans, a "Texas Size Zone Kill"

    And I had written something similar in a research vessel proposal, "If we permit our oceans to become a cemetery, we may damage its alter ego the atmosphere, and ultimately our planet itself."

    Our oceans are a precious resource, even beyond our own imagination. We need more qualified academics in pure oceanography, in contrast to those drawn away into military weapons development or searching/developing oil resources in our seas. We need to get more kids excited about ocean studies,……initiate and perpetuate their interest.
  12. Francois

    Francois New Member

    Aug 19, 2006
    Durban.South Africa
    Its a very sick thing that they doing this and the world is watching .Been following what they they have been to in the last decade.Its money for jam for them and I cannot express my anger enough as to what they even do to sharks.Its the fin they want the rest goes back to the ocean.
    I will sign the pettition without a second thought .Thanks for the head up.

  13. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    There is no shortage of human atrocities throughout history and the present, whether to animals or himself.
    All one has to do is turn on the TV news. I often wonder why human barbarism hasn't withered through evolution.
  14. mr_sunseeker

    mr_sunseeker New Member

    Jan 17, 2006
    UK & Med
    Most people are so far removed from the killing of all the animals that they eat every day without a thought about how it got on their plate or in the can.

    If we HAD to kill what we want to eat, instead of being able to get someone ELSE to do it, I wonder how our perspective would change?
  15. V65

    V65 Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2006
    Austin,Texas & Miami Beach,Florida
    Ug, I didn't watch the video, i've seen video's like it and seen it in person, not right at all killing dolphins... I mean going after salmon, crab, bottom fish etc... is one thing but dolphins, whales, that's totally ****** up...
  16. lurker

    lurker New Member

    Nov 2, 2006
    All around the world
    I didn't want to comment on this because it's hard to stay rational when such graphic images are shown.

    If you look back at history, the Japanese have done worse stuff than that. They probably decapitated as many Chinese in the WW as the dolphins they have killed. They have captured Chinese and Korean women to used them as sex slaves for the army, called Chinese prisoners "wood" and used them as burtal medical experiment subjects. Stuff like put your hands in nitrogen and then pill the skins on your arms off. We thought we are past that, but this stuff still happens today, Sudan anyone?

    On the flip side, many Japanese fishmans died fishing whales and what have you after the wrold, that was their only mean to feed the family. There is, perhaps a tradition that we do not see, and something in their culture that we do not understand. Still there is no excuse for what we saw in the video. Japn is one of the richest and most developed nations today, and their moral and ethic value should also follow.

    I don't think we should stop fishing dolphin because they are cute. I think within reasons, as long as we hunt/fish a given resource in a human, sustainable, and enviromentally responsible way, then there's no problem with it.

    In the case with dolphins, forget about sustainability, the way they do it is just way too cruel and unethical. In fact I have seen way worse than what's shown in the film. I have seen them hook a dolphin up by the jar and decaptiate the dolphin with a chainsaw. Man, the body and tail of the dolphin was struggling so bad as it the decapitated dolphin can still feel the pain.
  17. Opcn

    Opcn Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    Nordland (near Port Townsend), WA, USA
    Perhaps I should let sleeping threads lie, but I was working backwards looking for interesting threads, and while I don't agree with the way these animals are being treated, I want to add that the film makers are exquisitely ignorant at best, and probably have a good dose of dishonesty worked in. Inhumane and environmentally irresponsible are two very very very different things, and one in no way constitutes the other, contrary to what the film implied. Also, animals being helpless on a slaughter house floor, and instead of being helped being slaughtered, is the normal progression of things, how would we kill animals if not when they are vulnerable? Should we try and sneak up on them in their sleep?

    **I'm about to speak graphically.**

    With the way a Dolphin is kind of bundled up like a sausage who's casing is to tight when they slice the necks open the cut is pulled open, Temple Granden showed pretty effectively that mammals and aves only feel pain when a neck wound is allowed to close up on itself again. Since the wound is held open pain from this will be minimal, Dolphin skulls are pretty thick to my knowledge and it would be impractical to dispatch them with a bolt gun like a cow or lamb, this is probably the most rapid and humane way to kill them.

    **Done with graphic description**

    The inappropriate and possibly unforgivable part of the occasion is the harvest of the dolphins from the net to the slaughter house. They should not be wounding animals for any reason, or treating them roughly while they are still alive. Also if the Dolphins are ecologically critical and there harvest poses serious problems then that too is a problem, but despite their claim the film makers made no attempt to provide any evidence at all for this, and with their mad grab at straws for support I think its reasonable to assume that this is because they had none.

    Just my $0.02
  18. catmando

    catmando Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2005
    Arlington Tx
    The Japanese have very little regard for human life other than Japanese, much less non-human life. Read up on WW2 if you don't believe me.
  19. Opcn

    Opcn Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    Nordland (near Port Townsend), WA, USA
    I have my doubts that anyone has ever come away from a serious war with out committing serious war crimes and atrocities.
  20. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Even proir to what we all know as WW II, the Japanese were going about their business in China- Take a look at a book called The Rape of Nanking. This is a frightening account of pure savagery and mass murder.

    Mankind has practised some unbelievable behaviour towards fellow man and animal over the years.

    Take a look at Ancient Civilisation and their sacrifices to various deities.

    IMHO:The savagery reported these days only makes such an impact on peoples minds because they are made aware of it in all it's gory glory by modern mass media. It is not a new phenomenon, mankind has been practising it for thousands of years, these days it's just better publicised.