The wife & I will be going on March 20th. Will anyone else be there? If not, just leave the keys to your yacht under the door mat and make sure it's full of fuel Any events on St. Maarten at that time? Dave
Dave, there is a whole host of very friendly folks that post on that frequent SXM, seems like there is always something going on. I miss the great meals in Grand Case, the fine dining there was the highlight of our trip
Last year, I believe we ate almost every night in Gand Case. We never had a bad meal! I can't wait to get back!!!!!!!!!
**** it,, just going to miss you guys. We arrive on March 31. Coming down on Air Canada and staying at the Maho. Be sure to stop over by Peg Leg bar and see Peyton's new 50' Magnum,, it just came from Florida. I just hope some yachts are still around,,,when we get there. Steve
Steve I think we had the same problem last year, a near miss. I think Payton needs his boat run for him while I'm there. It's good for the boat ya know
Oh well,, you'll have to plan on being there in December.. for the yacht show. If you're going to Neil's bar at the bridge make sure you time it right,, the traffic is crazy for at least an hour before the bridge opens with everyone trying to get across before it opens.
Jimmy Buffett is playing at The Bankie Bank's Dune Preserve in Anguilla on Saturday the 24th starting at 3PM. Yeah, I gotta start driving Peyton's new boat...Ho Hum...Better than my 6.5m Ribtec.
Darn, so many things going on in the Carib, I don't know where to go first... Think i'll be going a zig-zag route through...
Oh man,, I knew he was playing there,, thought he was already there. ya went to Bankie's in December,, quite the place,, can't imagine what that place would be like on big night like that. Probably the biggest event ever on Anguilla.... Ya I hope we get out on his boat.. went on Nitro with him and Luis a couple of years ago when they first got it,,,, went to Nikki beach in St.Barts quite the day,, had half the Platinum girls on board that day.... BtW any yachts still there,, hope some are there when we arrive..
WOOooooHOOoooo!!!! I just pulled a few strings and scored 6 tickets for all of us for Buffett on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm looking into a private boat out of the marina right next to Le Domaine as we speak (or type).
We will be in St Maarten March 20-26th. We just picked up Jimmy Buffett tickets for the 20th on Anguilla. We are staying at La Domaine in Anse Marcel & we are looking for a boat to get back & forth. Marigot would work too. Does anyone know anybody with a boat for rent/charter? It can be crewed or bareboat. Anything from a cruiser to a center console would be fine. Thanks! Dave
Dave, I merged the post above with this thread because it will be seen by more people. Also, I'm hoping Neil Rooney is subscribed to this thread so he'll read your latest message. If anyone can make suggestions for boat charter/rental arrangements... it's Neil! Sure wish I could join you, but the Palm Beach Boat Show is in full swing from March 22-26th. Enjoy your trip!
YOU SUCK!!!! That is by far going to be THE coolest time ever. I am so jealous,,, I emailed my cousin that lives there,,, he's got boats... do you have an extra ticket as part of the deal???
Hehehe, I know! I could certainly buy another ticket, let me know. They are for sale on the Buffett site. $100 for open seating. No reserved seats.
Sounds like he already has a ticket,, he's just taking one of the ferry's across. I expect to see some good pix,,,,,