My buddy says he found it in a yacht magazine.
Are you pulling my leg? ...65knots, a parachute effect? I believe it's a wild concoction, pre-dating your more effective internet scams... Surely, she's just the right boat for a Cat lover like you, mate!
Wait, it gets better There I thought I was Johnny on-the-spot, -Oops, didn't want to miss that last segement with Warren Beatty. Hey, I love this guys website graphics. Reminds me of those open-source 3D game dev. groups, where you can download your favorite virtual girls and purchase all sorts of trendy outfits and accessories; like ray-guns, bullet-proof vests, rocket-boots... But your going to need to order the 'magnetic-boots' to hang-on at this speed, plus maybe an underwater turbo-BMW, and, well you decide...
It would be interesting to see this thing built. Big cats usually has symmetric hulls since they can not use the aircushion created by the tunnel as much as a racing cat can. The dynamic pressure on the asymmetric hulls must therefore be pretty high on this boat.
I'm not generally fond of cat designs, but I quite like this one. Neat boat. Incredible, Lars, that's exactly what I was thinking when I looked at it! (sarcasm)
Maybe you were also thinking that with asymmetric hulls they could use a foil to stabilize and lift it up higher...
Almost, Lars, but it's okay, you'll get more intelligent as the years go on. Personally, I think a more likely, practical, and dare I say better looking idea than your solution would be some large airplane wings, preferably with bright colors, and some jet engines on 'em. Don't worry, though, they'd fold in while at the dock. Carl, can't say I like the "half scale version" quite as much. It doesn't look too familiar to me (is there actually one around here?). Maybe a little like that blue thing sitting over at Lazzara (don't know if you noticed it while you were there). Then again, maybe I say that because so many cats just seem to blend together to me...
Not more intelligent unfortunately, (thinking of myself), but perhaps more experienced. The foils however is not my idea, many cats already has them;
I can't say I like cats either. I prefer dogs. But when it comes to speed and stability, two hulls are better than one. When it comes to accommodations, one hull is better than two. And when it comes to asymmetric hulls, I prefer mine.