If you are interested in working in the UAE, this could be an interesting opportunity to look at. Superyacht captain with fleet management duties * The candidate will have minimum five years experience as a Captain on motor vessels over 500 GRT or over 40metres in length, and previous to that, a further five years as Captain (sail or motor) * He must have at least MCA Class IV or equivalent. * He should have a strong background in hospitality. * A good technical or engineering background will also be taken into account. * Good management and reporting skills. * Experience with Asian staff must be proven. * Ideally, a mature westerner candidate is preferred, aged between 35-45 years. * Salary $5000 to $7000, accomodation provided. * Start date ASAP
It's none of my business, but this seems kind of light for someone with all of those qualitifactions.
Sorry Guys... This is 5000 - 7000 US$ Per MONTH TAX FREE + City Living accomodation with all Utilities PAID. Car Provided. Medical cover and Free Annual tickets to country of residence (Inc Family ) and also Private School Fees. Hope this clears it up.
I might be wrong but I think you might need to up the price a bit to entice someone who would do justice to the yacht, owner and position. Try forgetting the school fees and doubling the cash.
The US Guidelines are $8K - $15K per month for a Yacht up to 200 feet. Above that quickly escalates. Your expectations aren't unreasonable being tax fee income with many incentives.
Still is on the low side. Having the family there is nice, I am not sure how many westerners are keen on relocating their families to the UAE. Good luck finding someone. Right now is the time of year for crew change overs, so you should find someone. nas
Living And Working Abroad After reading some of the above replies and questions regarding salary for the above posistion, I would like to pass on my personal opinion and advice. As a Captain that has worked several years in the Far East/ Middle East I have found that most Eastern owners offer the same extra such as car, housing, etc. The salaries vary depending on schedule etc. What is most important is,The owner your working for and can you deal and adapt to having mostly Asian crew onboard. If your unhappy with the owner or have problems with the crew, all the money in the World won't keep you there. So my point is you need to really think it out before committing. It's not like taking a gig for a Med season or a winter in the Carib. Good Luck Captcruz
All good posts Yep, $1000-$1250 per foot is the norm. I have never considered accomodations as part of the deal. What is tax free? You still have to file and there are ex-pat taxes, so I do not know what they are talking about. Annual airline ticket is the norm. However, if they recruit in the oil patch circuit, they may find someone for $5000 a month, y'all!! PASS!!
If you want somebody there try with 12000$/month + 13th + benefices. Few captains will consider seriously your offer for anything less. Good lack.
agreed. i earn that money as skipper on a private 74' used 6 weeks/year for a great family. OK no accommodation other than the boat included but still........ i'm on yachtmaster offshore!
Mr Championship I would consider your proposition but I will make some bargain as well.I am a 34 years old Greek Chief officer with not exactly the same experience that you are asking for but a very succesfull one.I have only motor yachts experience, and this is the only I am interested at,preferably private yachts,not chartered.If you would like I can give you my email so we can speak without audience. Cpt Konstantinos.
As said the monthly needs to be 12-14,000 usd, that sort of figure might get you an OOW or maybe MCA Chief Mate 3000gt.
Hi, I wouldn't be getting my hopes up over this one. The original poster is a fake. I had dealings with him about another job he advertised here, he never replied to my posted request in that thread as to why what he told me on the phone was so radically different from what he offered me in writing. I think he is just harvesting copies of Certificates. There is at least one other YF member that I know of who has had contact with this guy about work with much the same result as I got.