From the steaming mast it could be an Amels. What do you guys think?
The yacht is indeed an Amels.. It is the Amels La Masquerade PS.. There is another yacht that came in the Bridgetown port.. she left there about an hour ago to presumably go to the marina. so she sould be there now.. but when i got my binoculars.. she was a bit to far to make a positive ID.
Just got back home from in the area of the Port St. Charles marina...i went for a drive down that side of the island and saw the Fox and the La Masqurade as well as a new arrival. The new arrival was the Sherekhan. I believe this is her first trip down here to Barbados but i could be wrong. However, she is out at anchor and not at a slip berth. I do not believe she could fit in the marina at this point.
Another new arrival...she is one of the Codecasa builds. It looks more to be 'Apogee.' She is on the Starboard side of La Masquerade.
I forgot to change, the vessel that looked like the Apogee,, was indeed the Lady Ann Magee. Yesterday i spotted the Destination Fox Harb'r up here by me.. She was in the 'Shallow Draught' moored.. where all the pleasure craft and small yachts are. BTW, the Shallow Draught is in Bridgetown and has nothing to do with Port St. Charles. I rushed from home to get down there to take pics.. to only realise she sped away from the 'Draught' heading Northwards for Port St. Charles. I was so mad!
Alloy s/y Destination Fox Harb'r just came back into the Marina. She is currently manouvering to the #1 Slip.. where m/yLa Masquerade was. In addition to this, Amels m/y La Masquerade left.
Hi guys, As a favor, can you save a photo of the webcam and post in the thread instead of just posting the link to the cam? I check this thread every few days, but when I do I don't see what you're talking about since the yachts have left or the webcam angle has changed. Today, I see the beach and the forward roller on some sailboat. Or am I missing something else? Thanks.
Hey Tom (capt) i saved a few images a while ago and i was tryign to post them but they were too big to upload and the resrictions would not allow me to so i gave up as i am not sure how to post it anyother way. BTW, the roller that you are seeing in front of the cam are the rollers of the Alloy s/y Destination Fox Harb'r.
Yachtluver, when I resize photos to post here, I open them with MS Paint, go to Image on the top menu, click on Stretrch/Skew option and enter numbers less than 100 for the horizontal and vertical percentages in the top section (stretch). I usually use a percent of 30 for each, then click okay (you'll have to test that since your original photos may be larger/smaller than mine). I then save the file under another name, protecting the original photo. Then you can upload the newly saved photo to the threads. I figure everyone should have Paint on their PC's. Many folks use other tools, which is fine. Hope that helps.
View attachment D.bmp View attachment untitled.bmp View attachment Yacht.bmp I don't know how this will come out.. i never did this before so here goes.. The first was of the Mast of Fox Harb'r, The Second was of Fox Harb'r, The Third was of La Masquerade and an unidentified sail yacht that i wanted to know about but i didn't know how to edit the pics in the manner Capt Tom suggested. They look aweful though,however it was my first time fiddling around with it.
The sailboat on your third picture is the 37 m Beaugeste, with Canadian flag since several years. Built by Brooke Yachts in 1989 as Beaupré for Jon Bannenberg, who was also the designer together with Ron Holland. A very nice yacht that I know pretty well...
Thanks very much AMG, She was here at the marina about a week and a half ago and i saved the pic when she was departing. Off course i did not know how to post the pic untill now.
Yacht ID Does anyone have the ability to make out the yacht in this snap shot? The Classic looking vessel on the Starboard side of Fox Harb'r... It is only a bow show though.. View attachment Another.bmp
yachtluver, when you're resizing the pics you can make them quite a bit bigger. What I could suggest is getting an image resizer program off and then set it to shrink the images you save to 640 pixels wide. I have one at home, but I forget what it's actually called. I'll check this evening and let you know. It works great, really simple and fast. You just input the max size you want and it does the rest. Then you can just upload the pics as attachments here, no prob.
Here's what we can see right now, a larger view of the yacht you asked about, resized to 640 pixels wide.
LOL, Kevin, well thanks for the rezsizing. Remember i am still pretty new to this editing pics and stuff. However, probably why it comes out so small is because i am watching the kb size. The forum stipulates that pics should be under 100kb? right? and that one i posted was 99.8kb.. So i thik i was just trying to stay under the rules..
BMPs format has to be under 100.... but Jpgs can be up to 200kb. The one I just posted was 132 I think, well under the limit. I'll write up some proper instructions for you when I get home this evening and have the program in front of me.
Thanks for helping Kevin. Ron, the sizes stipulated in the "Manage Attachments" window are somewhat contradictory. I have set the file "size" for 200kb, however this would still allow huge images to be uploaded. There is a big difference between "File Size" and "Image Size". They are two separate things! There's a reason I do this... Image sizes for the forums need to be 640 pixels wide or less. Otherwise, many viewers will have to scroll sideways. For features, I publish at 720 to 800 pixels because I developed a custom format that removes the normal post garbage like, screen name, number of posts, location and gender of your first unborn. This leaves a little more space for larger images. I have included "Directions On Navigating" YF at the top of the General Yachting Discussion. These directions are fairly concise. One thing I'm adamant about is using .jpg's. Please convert any .bmp images to this format. Just open the image in Microsoft's "Windows Picture Viewer" and save it as a .jpg. Because of future site development plans, I like the compression characteristics of .jpg's. Now... the reason we allow larger images to be uploaded (in the Manage Attachments window) is because of the difficulty experienced by newbies trying to navigate their own hard drive, find the image, attach it and hit the submit button. If they receive the "File Too Large" window, they get frustrated and I get e-mails with dozens of questions on how to do this, what software to use, how to use said software and what's the best place to eat on the water in Lauderdale. In short, it is MUCH faster for me, or for Kevin to edit the image. For our regular crew who post often, we need them to be up to speed, sorta speak, because editing all the images would become a full time job. By allowing larger images, we make it easier for newbies who may become easily dismayed. We want them to enjoy their stay at YF, so we make the extra effort to accommodate them.
The bow in the photo shoud be the M/Y "Mary-Jean" (ex-Shanti, ex-Shireen) Length : 164.85 ft / 50.25 m Beam : 27.50 ft / 8.40 m Draught : 8.90 ft / 2.70 m Shipyard : Campanella, ITA Year : 1981 Refit : 1993 / 1999 / 2005