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help! which yachts are these?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by romo_pride1029, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. romo_pride1029

    romo_pride1029 New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    puget sound
    hey, i happened to be watching a bacardi commercial and a yacht went by and i became curious. my questions are what kind of yacht is it (make model ect.) and around how much is it?

    the yacht can be seen here around 22 seconds into the video:

    my other question is basically the same as above, make model and general price but this time i was wondering about the yacht in the end of the movie SWORDFISH. the white one after halle berry deposits the money.

    thnx for everything
  2. brandonw

    brandonw Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    Tampa, FL
    Looks like it is maybe a Baia
  3. SoCalRP

    SoCalRP New Member

    Nov 7, 2006
    Orange Co., CA
    I'm going to concur and say it's a baia 55 from the mid-late nineties. The new 55's look a little different-- nav arch is now swept forward and the cockpit has a hard top-- I think I like the classic look better.

    Now as for the boat from Swordfish-- you have me intrigued. I have not seen the film in years, but I do remember being impressed by the boat at the end. I am also having trouble finding screen caps of it. I would, however, like to take the challenge of finding out. Post a pic of a screen cap if you can, for the benefit of those of us such as myself who don't own the dvd.
  4. romo_pride1029

    romo_pride1029 New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    puget sound
    im trying to find a pic of it. i will have to watch the dvd on the computer, hit the "print screen" button and paste te pic in this thread. problem is i dont have the dvd. it might take me a day or so until i get it. and btw how much do these cost?
  5. SoCalRP

    SoCalRP New Member

    Nov 7, 2006
    Orange Co., CA
    The price will vary greatly. There is actually a baia, basically identical to the one in the bicardi commercial, available for sale @ 560K. However, it's ten years old. Still a great boat, but not new.

    For a brand new baia in the same size range, you would be looking at 1.5-2.0 million u.s. depending on engine configs as well as interior appointments. It is worth noting, however, that in that class, baia is easily one of the most luxurious builders. You could get a sea ray for half of what you might pay fpr a nice baia.

    As far as the swordfish boat goes, not really sure, would have to see it first. If you are interested in finding out more about different boats and their subsequent prices, you might check out **************.

    You might specifically check out the following:


    it will take you directly to the page with the 55 on it.

    Additionally, as they are great supporters of the web's greatest forum, it is always good form to check out the forum's sponsors. We need to make sure Carl can keep this thing going (or at the very least be able to afford his next INSERT TOY NAME HERE ):p


  6. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    LOL...! :D
  7. romo_pride1029

    romo_pride1029 New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    puget sound
    if you notice though, the baia in the video is MUCH larger than the baia on the wedsite. im looking for more of a party boat like that one. that one can obviously hold a nice number of people as seen in the video (around 22-24 seconds intothe video) im guessing that the one in the video is around 80 something feet and will put a nice dent into my wallet