Some wonder why the Edmund Fitzgerald didn't make it, being on an inland lake and all. Here is a little taste of the seafaring life on the Great Lakes. These photographs were taken aboard Misener Steamships MV Selkirk Settler as she crossed Lake Superior in late November weather. The first pic is a calm water shot for a reference. I know these are not yacht pictures, but use your imagination a bit and put yourself at the helm. Ken, how would you attack these in Curt C?
I'll wager that Ken would have his mask & snorkel on. Great shots, CaptEvan. A much shorter/steeper sea than my local Gulf Stream.
HOLY COW Those pictures alone scared the bejesus outa me! What they really need for that is my Bertram With all lines in the water for those elusive great lakes Marlin
I Go Where The Weather Suits My Clothes I wouldn't be caught dead anywhere near the Great Lakes in November. Trust me- I grew up on Lake Huron and know how snotty those lakes can get (and in a real hurry too). One of the tidbits of wisdom I've garnered from yachting is to always chase the nice weather. I only have one wardrobe!
Kinda like "...going where the weather suits my clothes". Name that song, and one of the artists who recorded it.
I had a dream about Parrots and umbrella-drinks last night, I woke up with a hangover....... Everybody's talkin' at me Can't hear a word they're sayin' Only the echos of my mind People stop and stare I can't see their faces Only the shadows of their eyes Going where the sun keeps shinin' Through the pourin' rain Goin' where the weather suits my clothes Bankin' off of a northeast wind And sailin' on a summer breeze Skippin' over the ocean like a stone Going where the sun keeps shinin' Through the pourin' rain Goin' where the weather suits my clothes Bankin' off of a northeast wind And sailin' on a summer breeze Skippin' over the ocean like a stone Everybody's talkin' at me Can't hear a word they're sayin' Only the echos of my mind I won't you leave my love behind I won't you leave my love behind I won't you leave my love behind No, I won't you leave my love behind J.B.
Must do my research better! I am embarassed to say that further research reveals the above photos of the Selkirk Settler to be from the mid north Atlantic in February of 1987. She sustained a 12 foot split in her plating while enduring sustained winds of 75-80 kts and microbursts of 90 kts, and seas of 80 feet. While certainly not beyond the realm of possibility for Superior, a trusted source has led me astray. With humility and true remorse, I submit myself for e-flogging from the forum gods (or those simply posing as divinity). Evan
I told my wife and kids that I would leave them if I could be Jimmy's captain. My wife then handed me a suitcase, and sends her regards to JB. Nice to see we have some songsters here. Outmywindow, thanks for the words. I had to sing it to myself a few times, then snap back to reality. Eric, Yes Harry had a nice rendition of that piece, but still like JB's verions too. Ken, glad to see you recognized it, too. BTW, great shots on that ship. But who was crazy enough to get that shot that looks like it's from the deck?
These are still great pictures! And scarey as hell!!! Glad I am a land person because I just got sea sick looking at this!
A few weeks ago the Captain of Selkirk Settler advised the Boatneard Page that the picture was taken in the North Atlantic not Lake Superior