Holland just recovered from a major storm yesterday. This morning was nice and peaceful and my daily drive to the shipyard was nice and peaceful too. But as it happens my way to work is along the notorious Ringvaart, the aorta of "Mega Yacht Alley", so when I drove under the bridge in Wetering Brug (of all places) I discovered this new Giant. It was scheduled to be moved from the construction site in Rotterdam to the Gouwerok shipyard in Aalsmeer (so I heard) to be fitted with a final deck section. The yacht will be fitted at De Vries, but I must have missed this project. Anyone know what yacht this is? Also take a closer look at our unique dutch morning skies!
Great scoop Björn! If you don´t mind, I lightened your picture a little since I found the bow interesting. Is it something they want to cover for us to not see? It looks as it could be a similar shape as the Sigma project by Starck at B+V! I have no info on this particular yacht though...?
i looked even closer at the bow, it seems to have a very interesting construction to it, i zoomed in even closer and played with the contrast some, and see 3 distinct lines that the tarp is being pushed by the hull, in the photo above you can see them, in the photo i attached i have traced them to make them easier to see.
Slob Papendrecht There are two yards in the neighbourhood of Rotterdam they are buiding yachts that is likely Slob http://www.scheepswerfslob.nl/yachte.html for the Gouwerok shipyard I heard then there was something secret about it I suppose this is it
Since the sun is shining through your "dolphin nose" I think the red curve should just continue down to meet the waterline. If this will be the final shape remains to be seen, maybe another bow is to be fitted at the yard? I think the Sigma bow is fine on her submarine design, but hope this will not be a new design trend...
as something more like this, where the red continues down to the waterline, in essence just a very large bulbous bow, the dark blue lines are support beams to attempt to disguise it as to appear as a conventional bow, and the light blue line following the moulding up to meet it. yeah, you're right, that does seem more accurate. even with this being a faux bow, it is way too sharp of a point to be her true shape
HI-RES Images Guys, In case you want to have a closer look, I have these images in HI-RES. They are shot in extended definition with an 8 mp camera. So if you want to check some details, I can mail them to you!
Bow zoom The larger image! The Gouwerok shipyard is across the street of our yard. Maybe I'll drop by to have a closer look.
Thanks Björn, this was good fun! IF your mystic yacht has this kind of bow, it will probably look something like this under the cover...
I would sure hope that it looks the way how i think it is.. with the straight axe bow.. and not with the submarine bow. This would in my personal feelings take away from her looks. In this case i LOVE the vessel.. i have never seen a yacht designed like this that actually made it to construction. By Feadship to besides... Good work guys.. i can't wait to see her finished.. any ideas when?
Whatever the bow configuration turns out to be, this yacht will no doubt qualify for "The Most Unique Sheerline" award, IMHO.
as welcoming as i am for new innovations. i am afraid i do not like that bow. certainly the yacht will be impressive though.
The yacht your looking at comes from Slob Papendrecht. It was first transported to the RDM drydock by Smit in Rotterdam on a platform and in the Drydock it was then lowered into the water. It was then brought to Van Lent by two tows from Broedertrouw/Van der Wees from Dordrecht. I had a report planned but couldnt make it; bummer(mad:
If that bow stands proud, she'll look like a Huckins Fairform Flyer on steroids. I like the classic sheerline. Looking forward to more pictures.
She is very unique in many ways.. and i am one person that will give a thumbs up for some kinds of innovation. Her design lines seem a little off the track as it relates to contemporary designs of Feaships and most other yachts. If the Axe bow remains i will love it as i think it will but we never know untill we see the final yacht. As is stands now, the superstructure is gorgeous!
Any updates on this hull? It's come up in another discussion and now has piqued my curiosity even more. http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/t...w-enlarged-ship-study.html?posted=1#post41329
Like others, I'm still curious about this yacht. Looking at the photos of the new Aviva this morning got me to thinking about this one once again. Anyone have any news at all?
The gates at the De Vries yard have remained shut for weeks now. If there's a chance to take a peek I'll let you guys know.
a bow or not a bow???? it could be that the regular shaped bow will be added later, like some missing parts of the superstucture??