I am in Seattle today and while driving up I5 over the bridge near Eastlake I saw a boat which (at least at 75 mph and from across the water) looked like Limitless. Anyone know if Limitless is in Seattle? The shape looked right but the color looked off but its tough to analize a boat and not hit the car in front of you at the same time. I figure someone here knows where Limitless is and if not in Seattle which boat I mistook for her. "Surf Cruise"
Hi, I don't think it was Limitless. This was posted yesterday. http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/36496-post91.html
Could have been the 240ยด Laurel from Delta Marine. Her hull is not as dark blue as Limitless. Here is the only picture I have taken on her.
It wasn't Laurel. She was in Sint Maarten two days ago. Limitless is here now and will be until April or May.
Holy cow, Neil! Looks like D fleet is in. If just a few crew or owner's party stop in from each boat for a cold one, I'd say you're having a good season. BTW: is "Linda Lou"--per your list of who's in town-- the big DeFever?
has anyone seem Primadonna around lately ?? last i heard, they were West Coast Mexico, but we all know how fast things can change
Westship Primadonna was in St. Thomas, end of Dec... Christensen Primadonna was in San Diego, at the begining of Nov... that's about all I know of the last whereabouts...
Christensen a friend saw it in Mex in mid december, so i guess that they are southbound right now. maybe through the canal ?