Some noted names have passed through Barbados recently. I have decided to make a thread on the yachts that visit the Port St. Charles. Before i have been making individual threads about the yachts that are in Barbados. instead of keep doign that i believe it is best to put them under one thread..It would be easier to find and manage. With that said.. the yachts here currently are the m/y Savvy, the Alloy s/y Destination Fox Harb'r and a new yacht sailed in this morning and is berthed between them. I can't indentify her but she looks like a Trinity and still at the same time A&R.. but the Hard top has be dismissing that. Anyhow..take a Look.. The link is From the Port St. Charles website
Another departure was the Destination Fox Harb'r this morning but she just went for a short cruise and the ncame back this afternoon. She is Back the same place next to the Allegria (ex Flamingo Daze).
does whoever is on that yacht know that there is a webcam pointed at them at night, when their tinted windows are of no use ?
Well the cams have been there at the marina for a while now and no one never complained so i don't see why they should now. Savvy was berthed closest to the cam and nothing was not raised?
Just an additional update. Apparently the Allegria has departed the Marina. So now it is just Destination Fox Harb'r.
the one with the canadian flag, is it mirabella v ? i can just see the forship but it looks very nice
It's not Mirabella V. That's "Destination Fox Hab'r" an Dubois design. Mirabelle V has a white hull. EDIT: Just found a link to the yacht's website:
ah ok i should have known it the length is so much different now there is the aft from destination *g*
LOL, i see we have some big fans of the Fox. An addtional update.. if you check the cam you would realise that the Lurssen Capri is in Port St. Charles. She came in this evening.. she is berthed the same place where Allegria was slipped.
Personally, I think Fox gets it right in so many ways! Looks, design, layout... it's all just amazing. Even her size, not too large so as to have all sorts of limitations, but plenty big to be a real super yacht! And up close she's gorgeous!!
I don't know if you can call Fox Harb'r a small yacht..To me i think her dimensions are a bit decieving. She may be small compared to others like Mirabella V and Tiara but she is certainly not that. To me her lines are even more sleek than that of her Company mate Tiara. As a Sloop, the Fox is not small...she optimizes the space availible in many ways. I saw her about a week ago when she sailed up my side of the island.. and even though i know her dimensions i was shocked to see her size!
"Small" is a relative term, of course. I mean, she's only (cough) 132' long. Of the current mega-sailors and recent Alloys built, she's on the lower end. But like you said, her lines are beautiful. While I admire Tiara, the flybridge kinda' detracts from the overall look. Fox is a happy medium... not too large as to be limited by excessive draft, but definitely not too small either.
I understand what you are saying.. Kevin, i have never seen a yacht stayed so long at Port St. Charles before though. DestinationFox Harbour was here for about 4 weeks. Either the owner loves Barbados or maybe some Barbadian connections?...Just Kidding.
Another yacht came to the marnina this morning, but i am not so sure if she is new. They have the webcam zoomed and it makes the yacht harder to identify. However i believe it could be Allergria again. What do you guys think?