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News: Nordhavn Watertight Capacity Testing

Discussion in 'Nordhavn Yacht' started by Yacht News, Mar 25, 2025 at 4:22 PM.

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  1. Watertight Capacity Testing At Nordhavn
    When you buy/build a Nordhavn vessel there are a number of processes that happen that the average person will not be privy to or understand why it is done. Often, most only see the finished product that is cruising or stationary at a marina or berth. One of the aspects to testing a Nordhavn is ascertaining the vessel's watertight capacity. This is obviously paramount in importance for the sea worthiness.
  2. The latest advancement in Nordhavn's processes for watertight testing comes in the form of an innovation being implemented at their partner factory South Coast’s facility in Xiamen. This is their push and effort to more efficiently check the integrity of the hulls. Factory manager Bill Zhuang developed a new system of piping attached to the travel lift that offers a more simplified way of pinpoint testing the weather-tight capacity of all Nordhavns.
  3. The system consists of two large pipes, strategically placed and run continuously for hours on each hull launched into the test tank. "The upgraded system provides thorough testing and easier troubleshooting," said Project Manager Trever Smith. "It also allows fixes to be made at the factory rather than having to wait to be dealt with during commissioning, which is usually more complicated."

    For more information:

    Pacific Asian Enterprises
    25001 Dana Drive
    Dana Point, CA 92629

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