The rubber flappers on the deck drains (43' Egg) do a poor job of keeping water off the deck when we're drifting / fighting. At 20 years old, I they owe me nothing. Anyone have a good source for replacement? Do I replace just the flap or the whole SS trim as well ? Thanks!
It took some creative Google searches, but finally found what I think i'll need. For any others in the future, check out:
Those look near identical, likely exact same as what I have. They work well. Just be careful when you install them. After my paint job, one of my scuppers does not easily flap open/close like it used to after they were reinstalled.
I can not remember the vendor, but we used spring loaded scupper covers on our old BalckFin (Cary copy, late 1980s) Also installed flush marleon deck drains that dumped into a nice sump with a big asp pump. Cockpit was always dry. Aft bilge always clear. Lots of fishing, lots of diving, no water in our cockpit. That low transom always scared me when backing on a fish,,, or full of divers with equipment but all drained quickly. I recall a friend of a friend of an Island Hopper dive boat owner turned me onto this scupper flap.