Has anyone divided their anchor locker so that I can store a spare anchor and rode on one side and have the main anchor rode spill onto the other side. Right now the anchor rode mostly spills on the port side of center but does start to infringe on the starboard side. Would like to see any pics on what was done. Thank you Stan MY Legacy
No,. and how are you going to use the spare anchor, if it's large enough for the boat, you're not man handling it, and if you lose your main anchor it's mainly because of a windlass failure.
Mostly for stern anchoring in tight coves at the Channel Islands. I agree that anything large enough may be to difficult to manhandle. Thinking 45 lb Danforth with about 50 ft chain and 200 ft nylon rode which would be set first from the bow before dropping bow anchor. Spent many nites at Santa Cruz Island with bow and stern anchors out in our sailboats. It could take two able bodies to make it work. Unfortunately there is no stern locker that we can store it or deploy it from. Cheers
Get a big aluminum fortress, either an fx55 or possibly FX 85. They are lighter and can be disassembled for storage.
Exactly what I've successfully done for years. Typically deploy from tender after primary anchor set.
I believe that is a great choice and I remember deploying stern anchors from tenders when I had 45 ft sailboats. Thank you