Welcome to Yacht Forums. Fixed angle surface drives. Much like tho old Simplicity Drives but hyped up a bit more. I recall pretty well built. Support may be an issue these days. https://www.aluminumnow.com/downloads/SeaFuryDrives.pdf Seems we have discussed them before; https://www.yachtforums.com/threads/seafury-surface-drives.24591/ https://www.yachtforums.com/threads/8v92-ti-twin-disc-info-wanted.1076/#post-4866 Please update us with what your looking at. Our members are world wide and may know of what your trying to check out.
Most cylinders are serviceable at better hydraulic shops. One of our greatest members is in AK and may be helpful. Hopefully he may join this thread.
Where in Alaska are you? I’m not familiar with those drives but might be able to help you find a shop that can rebuild a cylinder. Have you removed the cylinder already?
Am in Juneau and there is a shop here I was trying to find anyone with knowleage about the SF30 Seafury surface drives was hoping to find service manual. Or someone thhat has worked on them.