While its not a popular choice for yacht color, it is not guaranteed it will be hideous. Feadship Boardwalk comes to mind. Lets wait and see, odds are against her though
My goodness, sorry for the brain fart everyone and thanks for the correction @German Yachting Sea Owl it is.
Very exciting, I like it! Are there any side profile images of the model available? Some design elements closely resemble Marc Newson's previous work on Solaris—particularly the sleek, thin bulwarks on the aft deck, the seating arrangement and bar around the pool, as well as the color choices and shapes of the cushions and seating areas.
Unique for sure. This is the one I’m most looking forward to seeing this year because of how different it is.
Let's try in this way: replace the * with yachtbuyer and you have the link https://www.**********.com /en-us/fleet/project-cosmos-374-lurssen
This sneak peek got me quite excited to see her. Definitely unique. Interesting color scheme too (glad the owner didn’t go for green as it has been previously suggested)
I wouldn’t be too surprised if a small detail of the green flower on the yellow circle appears somewhere on the build, the hull or superstructure - perhaps on the arch or as a subtle accent along the waterline. If that paint sample made its way into the final build, it would be a detail that I would imagine aligns well with Newson’s design aesthetic and my perception of Maezawa’s taste. Let’s see!