I'm looking for information about what type of wood is used in the interior wall panels, and if anybody has information about what stains and varnishes will match the original woodwork. A lot of these boats came standard with leaking ports and windows that discolored and in many cases destroyed the veneers. I'd like to remove and re-veneer to match the original, but what wood type? Any information from someone who's tackled the job would be super helpful. I hate to see these beauties falling into disrepair. Thanks!
Not sure if I'm allowed to mention another forum on here, but will give it a shot. Check out "Trawler Forum", it's populated with Jefferson and other Taiwan trawler owners. Or MTOA, Marine Trawler Owners Assoc.
Wandering Toes. Did you find anything regarding the original woodwork. I have a 1998 Hyatt 5116 which also has some water damage by the windows. I don't think I need to reveneer but I do need to restain and varnish. Any useful information will be appreciated.
Nothing straight out of a can is going to match 1987 woodwork that has faded over the years from sunlight. Even if it was from the exact same can that was used to build the boat. You're going to have to experiment and mix your own.