Out of all the ridiculous regulations and taxes we see popping out all over the world… this one takes the cake! $10 a foot a day tax (they call it an impact fee…) on yachts over 150’ when docked at a marina! doesn’t get dumber than that… who in their right mind will bring their yachts to Maine for maintenance or upgrade? How much will the state loose in sales tax collected on such work? Plus of course the economic impact of these yachts visiting. https://theluxgate.com/maines-superyacht-tax-proposal-what-it-means/
And the really stupid thing is that this only affects about 4 marinas in the entire state. Idiots. If you don't already think this proposal is stupid, this will solidify that question: https://fox23maine.com/news/local/n...yachts-in-maine-legislature-carbon-production This wouldn't stop me from cruising in Maine, but it sure would stop me from spending any downtime (i.e. Only Crew and no engines running), between owners trips. I foresee provisioning in Rhode Island or Mass, cruising Maine with owners, and then getting out of the state.
.....as if they would every really use any revenue to invest in infrastructure... All they've done is to recommend to large yachts that they moor outside of the marina and spend less time in town making purchases and attracting crowds to the marinas. Truly cannot fix stupid.