Jan 2025 60 Valhalla Boat Works available on the used market. 25 have been active over 6 months. About 40 used Valhallas changed hands in 2024 19 112 Westports available, 13 of those have been active over 6 months. 5 changed hands in 2024 and 1 in 2025. Sold data is not fully reported on boats over 80~ feet or so The 108 Sunseeker Predator Casino Royale has fallen on hard times. She is chained to the dock (chain through the bow thruster tunnel) in Georgetown MD. Exterior looks above average. The Burger RPH acquired by Worton Creek Marina to refit many years ago reflects zero care for many years.
Unless you have access to this data you never really know what’s happening and going on. I try to keep up with what’s on the market for Newer Hatteras and some smaller boats I’m interested in. Thanks for the info.
Used HCB 53 and 65's were down to 13-20 boats available for years. 13 boats during the 2021 spike all builders enjoyed. They stayed in the 18-21 until early 2024. There are now 51 boats on the brokerage market, 13 have been listed for over 200 days. Yachtworld only shows 4 used HCB's over 53' sold in 2024. I doubt that is accurate. A few dealers stopped reporting sales data. Likely 15~ boats sold in 2024. We will see more dealers stop reporting sales. Yachtworld uses your sales data to determine your membership cost. The larger brokerage firms are paying $25,000. and up a month for YW membership.
We will see more dealers stop reporting sales. Yachtworld uses your sales data to determine your membership cost. The larger brokerage firms are paying $25,000. and up a month for YW membership. Wow. I had no idea. I'm not in the loop although I sold sailboats part time years ago and was not privy to much of the YW workings. My goodness between flooring and YW dues, what's a dealer to do when things slow down like they are now. I was always suspicious about SoldBoats database as it seemed the reporting sold boats was on the honor code in terms of reporting the sale not to mention that actual selling price and not some fudged number. From one cummins zeus guy to another, thanks for sharing. Super interesting.
Yachtworld was very serious enforcing their policies of reporting a dealers sold boats. If YW suspected you were not reporting the data or your data was inaccurate the offending dealer was contacted and threatened with expulsion. Sold boat reports were extremely accurate, at least up to 100'~. The yachts sold in the over $5M bracket are kept confidential in about half the sales. Yachtworld (boats group) was sold several times. After each sale the memberships went up from 1/3 to a moving target of unpublished fee schedule. A big firm like HMY has 351 boats (brokerage or trades) on YW. They report no or very few sales over $1M. All those $3M-10M Viking SF sales have an impact on their membership costs. I would guess the percentage of dealers reporting accurate sold boat data (up to 80') is slightly over 70%. IYBA launched a much better site that is industry owned. No ads, better photos and a fraction of the cost. It will be years before it generates sales I suspect.
Trinity Yachts are (still) popular on the brokerage market. 146 Second Love sold N&J/Denison 164 TSUMAT FGI Yacht Group 187 Liberty IYC 3 others were removed, likely sold but not reported.