In cool waters your looking for a CF-2, 30W. In warmer waters go to a CF-2, 40W. Shell Rotella, NAPA, Mobil and others sell this stuff. Your looking for that API badge of CF-2. If your not sure what I'm typing about on CF-2, please type back.
6-71 Turbo, Inter-cooled, By-pass blower? My favorite.. Massive crank bearing between each massive rod/piston throw. I have witnessed 600+ reliable HP from that block. 3K RPM not a problem to 700+ HP. Like an outboard engine, the straight 6-71 was never pushed. I always dreamed of an inter block (between the block inlet and blower) air cooler to make a 6-71 TIAB. Sad that Penski did not push the 6-71TIB (6-71TIAB) on DDEC.
Welcome to YF. I run CF-2, thru my veins. Always tap on YF for DDC questions. Tell us more about your ship and power. Our members are world wide and always have ideas to help. Sometimes we get carried aweigh but we are here to help. ☺☺
Low ash is required. Very important. "For two-stroke cycle engines, Detroit Diesel recommends lubricants with a sulfated ash content of 1.0% or less"
Thanks again Captain Ralph, I look forward to asking more questions. I have twin DD 6-71TIBs in my 1988 Viking 45 Convertible. I was just trying to make sure i was using the correct oil for my upcoming oil changes.
Your zip is Maryland. Where does your boat operate and what seasons? Block heaters? Fresh or lots of hours on the mains?
Low ash is usually covered in CF-2. Some brands more/less than others but the TIB change interval covers any slack in the specs. Oil lab reports is always the best answer to any concern or quality issues. I trust the OP knows this. If not, reminder; send your oil samples out to a lab often.
I keep my boat at Safe Harbor Great Oak Landing on Fairlee creek. I operate in the Chesapeake, Delaware Bays and off shore. This year I had my boat pulled at the end of of October but thinking of keeping in Longer next year for some of the fall/winter offshore bite. About 600 hrs since last major.
I'm assuming TD 506 clutches. Yes, same oil as mains. With block heaters, stay all with CF-2, 40W. No block heaters, CF-2, 30W when water temp lower than 70°f.
Yep, That's where we are at. NAPA Fleet 75-118 & Shell Rotella T1/40 are your best bets for engine and clutch. I recall Mobil 1640 is good also.
Good morning Capt Ralph I have an oil filter question and that would be have you found one brand to be better then the other?
I was raised using only DDC filters. When I started paying for the filter$ personally, I started shopping. NAPA filters are mfg'd by Wix. A very good product. This year I am using Donaldson again. One better than the other? NO. Reliable? All of these, YES. I'm almost an hour from the nearest NAPA store so most of my supplies are shipped in. A couple of years ago a vendor from Texas won out with free shipping on good priced filters. Last year NAPA had free shipping. Do not forget Amazon, but I have found items like brand filters not to be really cheaper here. DDC filters are not that much more expensive but my DDC shop in Jax has to charge for shipping. If you are tight with a local DDC shop, their prices could be competitive. After a life time pushing Detroits; These are the only three filter mfgs I can recommend. When we purchased our Bertram 20 something years ago, there was a case of Fram filters onboard. Brand new still in cellophane. They went straight to the trash. Nuf said?