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Chris-Craft 381 twin 50 amp shore power...what can I run?

Discussion in 'Electronics' started by PeterT37, Dec 29, 2024.

  1. PeterT37

    PeterT37 New Member

    Dec 29, 2024
    Raleigh, NC
    I just bought a 1984 Chris-Craft Catalina 381, and it has two 50-amp shore power connections, NOT 30-amp. Marinas can give me one 50-amp connection, but not twin 50's. Can I run my inside lights in the salon and cabins if they are on a different 50-amp unit, if I switch the setting to both units? Many thanks to any responses to this newbie boat owner. :)
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Are these 50A 120/240 or just 50A 120 ?
    I suspect 50A 120. This is getting old and dock connects are getting harder to find.

    If you not sure what you have, post a pic of your shore cable end and your breaker panel.
  3. PeterT37

    PeterT37 New Member

    Dec 29, 2024
    Raleigh, NC
    Thanks! they are 50A 120 connections. Here are photos of the breaker panel. The cord is connected to Inlet 2, so I can run heat in the salon and cabins during the winter. :) So, seeing these pics, do you have a better sense on whether my lighting will work in the salon and cabins on just that one inlet cord? Again, thanks for any insights!

    Attached Files:

  4. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Get a splitter that is 2 - 50a 125's to 1 50a 240 and plug the dock end in to a 50a 240. Or switch the panel selector to inlet 1 and plug the dock cord in to that inlet. It should the power the entire panel.
    PeterT37 likes this.
  5. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Your lights are 12Vdc or 120Vac?
    12Vdc lights should work all the time pending the battery charger.

    Not sure if inlet #1 runs everything or just the left side of the panel.
    I'm thinking inlet #1 should be in use to run everything, just watch your amp draw.

    Is dockside power 50A 120/240Vac available? You can safely "Y" out two 50A 120Vac cords from a single 50A 120/240 outlet.
    Marinco part number 154AY.
    PeterT37 likes this.
  6. PeterT37

    PeterT37 New Member

    Dec 29, 2024
    Raleigh, NC
    I think the lights are on the 12v dc panel. Battery charger is kept strong/fresh. It's relatively new, too. The refrigerator runs (it's located on hte inlet #2 side), with just Inlet #1 plugged in to shore power. Hopefully, I'm all set.

    SeaEric--> I found a splitter online today that goes from one 50A to 2 50A plugins. I will likely buy that as a further backup.

    Thanks for the advice, folks!
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    The part number for the male 50A-120Vac to dual female 50A-120Vac "Y" is 162AY.
    You will still have to monitor your loads as a single dock breaker is now servicing both leads.
    Further, some docks do not approve of "Y" adapters, others could not care less.

    A 50A-120/240Vac outlet offers two breakers, one for each 120Vac leads.

    It is rare to still find docks with a single 50A120Vac outlet these days, usually 30A-120 or 50A-120/240.

    Just a friendly reminder; 50A-120 and 50A120/240 plugs and receptacles are two different monsters.
    In post #2, I was hoping for a pic of your shore power cord ends to ensure we were on the same page.
    "Y" adapters are expensive. Hate for you to get the wrong one.