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Cummins Zeus Pods maintenance & service assuming no records

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by SeaNile31, Dec 23, 2024.

  1. SeaNile31

    SeaNile31 New Member

    Feb 17, 2024
    Philadelphia, PA
    Looking at a 2012 SR with Pods, minimal info at this point but the broker mentioned "both pods have been rebuilt." As I am waiting for the service records what is a ball park estimate to get pods to baseline? Assuming no records or service what would need to be done? The obvious oil changes but what about replacing seals, fixing shafts (ceramic coating), etc.

  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Rebuilt or exchanged?
    Rebuilt by Buba at a local shop or a factory overhaul program (if still available)?

    I do recommend you look into the future of Cummins/Mercury Zeus pods.
    IMO, it is not to bright and I would be concerned into investing in these pods.

    Honestly, I am not a great fan of the Volvo IPS either. But IPS is not going aweigh.

    Both systems are high and expensive when maintenance cost are involved.
  3. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    I pulled this off a Meridian forum that will give you some ideas, this is not a re-build but annual/hours based service stuff.

    One of the most frequent questions I am asked about my boat by people who might be interested in purchasing one or any boat with pods is, "how much more annual maintenance is there than traditional drives and how much more expensive is it?"

    There is obviously more maintenance involved as the drives are effectively two additional "engines" replete with components and fluids that require annual attention in addition to the lower units. I am sure there are those who will take on some of these items themselves but, for me, I strictly enlist the service of authorized personnel - for many reasons but particularly because of the warranty. I thought it might be helpful to post the details of the yearly/250 hour & 500 hour service which I recently had performed so anyone potentially interested in "going Zeus" will have a realistic understanding and expectation of what's involved. The items marked with ** are performed when the boat is hauled. Please keep in mind that this is for the QSB 5.9 480hp/Zeus Pod package offered with the 441SB.

    Yearly or 250 hr. & 500 hr.

    -Torque Drive Shaft connecting Bolts & Nuts (Shaft
    cover must be removed)
    -Inspect & lubricate the drive shaft slip-joint
    **Change gear case lube oil
    -Change transmission oil and filter (Including drop box if
    -Change hydraulic steering actuator fluid and filter.
    (Filter assembly must be removed)
    **Lubricate prop shaft splines & torque prop nuts
    -Inspect Hydraulic system fittings & hoses
    -Check bonding circuit--Test Mercathode output
    -Inspect electrical connections
    -Inspect cooling system & hoses & clamps
    -Inspect Exhaust system hoses, clamps, and piping
    -Inspect for corrosion and treat as necessary
    -Clean pod mounting area
    -Lubricate & Inspect seacock (Check Operation)
    -Treat power package with corrosion guard
    **Inspect gearcase shear bolts
    **Inspect Skeg and shear pins
    -Check clamp ring and hardware torque

    For this service, the factory authorized company I use charges a flat rate of $520 per drive for a total, before parts, of $1040.00

    Here are the parts used and their costs (T=Total):

    Zinc Kit x 2 385.16T
    Transmission oil x 12 214.08T
    Hydraulic oil x 12 210.00T
    Transmission filter x 2 147.32T
    Gearcase oil x 11 146.52T


    Mandatory hydraulic oil filter replacement (After first change, not due for 500 hrs. or 5 years)
    x 2 400.00T
    Hydraulic Oil Filter x 2 166.32T

    So the total cost in this case was $2833.57 before tax. Removing the last item, I expect to pay around $2300 +tax for this service again next year.
    Charges will obviously vary depending on who's doing the work and I'm guessing my service center is more on the high end of pricing.

    In terms of regular maintenance throughout the season, you are adding the on-board components to your daily visual checks and three fluid checks per pod, two that are checked with dipsticks. It is all very straight-forward and under normal circumstances you are not adding fluids.

    I hope this was helpful.
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Not mentioned was extra time/expense for diver cleaning service (if used)
    Or/ hauling/blocking/yard fees.
    I bring this up to compare cost of a straight inboard powered boat.

    If my zincs need to be replaced during a bottom inspection or cleaning, my straight inboard option cost me around $50.00 total extra.
    My clutches oil is inspected easily (one oil dip stick) behind the main engines.

    TwinDisk recommends oil changes every 1000 hours or yearly.
    My clutch oil goes to the lab every engine oil change and change schedule is every two years for the clutches.
    Oil and filters $200.00 every other year plus labor (DIY).

    Beyond the extra purchase cost of the pods, pod service does cost a little more.
    In the big picture, it still may be a small percentage of all the boats expense but it is a notable chunk of cash.

    There are members here that luv the pods and I really don't want to step on their toes.
    But,, I'm glad I don't have to worry about a pod below my boat.
  5. 993RSR

    993RSR Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Annapolis/ Palm Harbor
    Mr. Zeus gets a bad wrap. After selling 6 or so boats with Zeus pods and clients cruising without issues I decided to buy a Sabre with Zeus pods. Simple units, a bit primitive compared to Volvos. Much cheaper to own and maintain than the Volvo units.
    Volvo's have a sealed needle bearing unit at each end of the jack shaft, alignment critical
    Cummins/Zeus has a simple universal joint identical to my '53 Chevy pick up. What alignment.
    Volvos upper and lower pod assemblies share the same lube. Water in the bottom goes to the complete unit.
    Cummins/Zeus does not share lube between the upper and lower units.
    I spent about $30K getting the running gear dialed in on my Eastbay 49. Any vibration drives me crazy. The Zeus pods are smooth running at any speed. These pods are original with 1250 hours. I bought it in May and have run about 90 hours. Propspeed and one skeg has been my only expense so far.
    Eastbay 49, 45-48 gallons per hour at 20/21 knots
    Sabre 42 (way smaller boat) 26-28 gallons per hour at 23-24 knots
  6. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    Interesting. That's about the first pod review I've seen that that a) doesn't start with "they're crap" and b) describes some of the difference between Zeus and Volvo IPS.

    ChiTown likes this.
  7. 993RSR

    993RSR Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Annapolis/ Palm Harbor
    As a boat salesman most of my survey, sales and customer experience is with Volvo pods. The Volvos are dominating the market and have good service and parts support.
    Volvos are much more delicate and require more updates and sensor replacement. The Volvo station keeping is more effective. The Cummins sky hook keeps you in the same 30 yard pattern.
    Volvos are quiet while using the joy stick.
    Cummins Zeus makes all kinds of squeaks and clunks which is normal.
    Checking your Volvo pod oil will immediately let you know if you have water leaking in. Cummins/Zeus you need to wait for the alarm or haul the boat.
    Tiara has done at least one poor pod installation that accelerates pod issues.
    Palm Beach and vintage MJM's seem to be doing well with the Volvos.
    I am a fan of the 1950's jack shaft/universal joints in the Zeus set up. Removing the uv joint cowlings is not easy so its rare the grease fittings get serviced.
    gr8trn likes this.
  8. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    As a cummins zues owner operation I am in agreement. 2009 and nothing but fluids and seals and sacrificial anodes. I am also glad to hear there is hope when I sell the boat that there are some who are not afraid of the zeus pod.
  9. 993RSR

    993RSR Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Annapolis/ Palm Harbor
    The 2018 and later model years have a small spread between Volvo and Zeus boat values. Sabre stayed with Zeus longer than any other builder as far as I can tell. The earlier Zeus boats are doing well on resale as long as they are healthy, like anything else. We had a choice between the two and chose the Zeus for its simplicity. I think it is important to understand the system, maintenance and proper care.
    At the YC bar last year a friend said, "you bought what? Are you crazy? No pods for me". He just contracted a 2010 Sabre 40 with Zeus. A little product knowledge is beneficial.
    gr8trn likes this.
  10. tusindtak

    tusindtak Member

    Jun 2, 2013
    Ft. Lauderdale
    I have 930 hours in 3 years on twin Zeus - Cummins QSC8.3 600 hp. Only Cummins or Zeus failures are 2 radiator caps and the 3 bolt 1” long neck that the caps fasten to and a slightly loose threaded hose fitting on the Zeus.
    Just did the 1,000 hr service on Cummins. All services kept up as recommended.
    I haven’t seen reasons to not like the setup.