Lost another cruisair blower today... that s the second one on a month. They were 11 years old. So far we ve had to replace 7 blowers in the last 5 years. Must be made in China now ... the first one took 3 weeks to get... this one I don’t know yet.
Of all the items I kept during my shop shut down, I saved a pile of blowers. In 2 1/2 years, already used up 2 of them. One of the bad blowers was approx 1 1/2 years old when it failed. Some times it works, some times not, shopping Grainger and Zoro may help just for the motor.
I bought a replacement blower( complete) from Grainger for a Cruisair 12000. I had to glue some armaflex to it to keep it from sweating but the blower was identical.
Since this thread was revived…. I ve given up on the evil empire aka nometic. Since this original post I ve replaced 6 more air handlers and got new ones from Flagship Marine. Still have a dozen or so original to the boat…
I purchased this blower assembly from Zoro.com for $177. It was an exact fit and the specs were very close to the Fasco motor that was in the Cruisair unit. The only difference is that it's a "Permanent Split Capacitor" motor, so it only goes one speed, which is not a big deal for me since it's much quieter. https://www.zoro.com/dayton-rectang...1-phase-direct-rolled-steel-1tdr8/i/G0433081/
I'll be in Palatka today shopping for another blower resistor pack for my Youkon. Then to LabCorp to deliver a pint of blood. They let me crawl out of the swamp from time to time. I am searched and de-briefed on my return before dark. It may be later before I can dig into Bertie's Blower issue. I look forward to your shopping experience, please keep an eye open for a 14-16Kbtu blower for me. ☺☺
I have blowers on 18k BTU evaporators that are working (3) but that I am replacing proactively. The Fascos are OEM only, and technicold has updated the blower style, meaning I have to buy the blower package. New fans now have the motors inside of the squirrel, while old ones hung outside. I assume cooling the fans adds longevity? So I'm forced to replace the whole assembly rather than merely the motors. disappointing, but I'm doing it now while I have an extra hand aboard to visit each air handler for a complete disassemble, clean, and reinstall. Bottom line is that I'll have some spare blowers of that size on hand within a week or ten. 3 x 18k. 3 x 8k. 1 x 16k
....well, one of those 8's is a rattle can. Perhaps two of them are. The 18's all run well. The 16 is fine, too, I think. It just makes too much sense to do it all while we're familiar with the routine of removal, disassemble, clean, rebuild...
I just replaced a galley fan on my buds Hatt. It was one of the newer internal blowers. Purchased used from a shop in St Augustine. Much quieter than the blower with outside motors. Space saver also. Their called split cap and shaded pole. Never was sure witch was witch. I just call them inney & outie.
Never had a problem with my newly failed evap station, have no idea what blower it has or exact size.
If any reader has one piled up in a shop somewhere; I'm looking for a whole R22, 7Kbtu evap station with blower assembly. Our forward cabin still has the open rear fan model that blows thru the evap that I want to replace with the later model.