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Active Interest Media acquired by Firecrown...

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by YachtForums, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Active Interest Media (AIM) just sold off their marine holdings to Firecrown. This is the 2nd acquisition of AIM's marine media in recent years. Not a good sign! Firecrown is buying entire magazine groups in both the aviation and marine sectors, likely because they can be acquired for low net multiples. In years past, these mags would have commanded much higher multiples with premiums on circulation, subscribers, brand recognition, etc.

    The automotive and aviation industry abandoned print years ago but the marine industry has been slow to let go. With print fading away, most magazine websites have not been well-received and not just in the marine industry, but every transportation sector. These are the titles Firecrown purchased...

    • Boating: Boating, Soundings, Wakeboarding, Boaters University
    • Yachts: Power & Motoryacht, Yachting, Yachts International, Passagemaker, Trawlerfest
    • Fishing: Salt Water Sportsman, Sport Fishing TV, Anglers Journal
    • Sailing: Sail, Sailing World, Cruising World, Helly Hansen Regatta Series
    • Marine B2B: Soundings Trade Only

    It looks like Firecrown is planning to focus on the digital aspects of the titles, but it’s a challenging environment. Enthusiast sites don’t produce magazine-like revenue. I hope Firecrown can help educate the marine industry on the value of visibility with niche-focused sites. Hopefully they blaze a digital advertising trail making our jobs at YF not only easier but maybe more profitable. Yacht builders have been relying on social media to drive traffic, but they are overlooking that half of the world's population doesn’t use social media, but 100% of them use search engines.

    I think there is a future for the magazines, but not in print. It’s in the titles. People tend to click on recognizable names in search results. It will be interesting to see if they can bridge the gap from print to digital but they may be overlooking a shift in consumer sentiment... people trust their peers.

  2. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    I can only speak to Boating magazine and Boaters university. Decades ago I subscribed to Boating magazine. As a kid I was attracted to the pictures or sizzle. As I aged and became more interested in content I found the Boating Magazine’s articles to be overwhelming puff pieces that served as advertising for the manufacturers that advertised in the magazine. The articles were all the same in that they would tout the many virtues of a model they were writing about and would then throw in some minor grievance about not enough drink holders or some such. All sizzle and no steak. My point is Boating Magazine sucked way before Al Gore created the internet. Recently I purchased an online course from Boaters University (had no idea it was affiliated with Boating Magazine) and I couldn’t access one of the segments. Wrote 2 emails asking for help and not a peep. Then I got a solicitation for more courses from Boating University. Guess what? I didn’t sign up for any more courses. Yes the internet has changed media but one does not stand a chance when you have a poor product and/or poor service. Is corporate news media struggling because of the internet/social media or are they struggling because the consumer perceives their news to be inferior and inaccurate. Again make a good product and you will have a fighting chance in a competitive market.
    Capt Ralph likes this.
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Years ago I used to receive a couple of mags free, power boating maybe and another one…. They were so bad that I never returned the confirmation cards to renew for free.

    the best of the bunch is/was passagemaker.
    leeky and Capt Ralph like this.
  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida