I’ve come to the conclusion that the hydraulic swim platform is just not a seaworthy thing to begin with, regardless of manufacturer. I know many will tow in high seas but I can’t say I’m comfortable with that either. Anyone seen a flybridge davit installed on an early 2000’s Lazzara 68 or 74?
You need to measure the top deck to see what will fit. On the later / bigger boats they had the davit hidden in a fiberglass cover that matched the lines of the boat. The hardest part will be to install the standpipe to the maindeck i m not a huge fan of storing the tender on the swim platform but it works. What issue are you having ? I ran an 84 Lazzara with a nautical structure platform which was good. It had locks and the platform was high enough not to be affected by the wake. Then in the 110 I run now Lazzara used a TNT platform which wasn’t high enough resulting in massive shaking between 9 and 13 kts. We had to add a second stage which solved the problem. problem with the TNT is that it doesn’t have lock so if a hose fails the platform drops.
I think this thread is a continuation of an earlier thread regarding a floppy swim platform...? https://www.yachtforums.com/threads/floppy-swim-platform.38549/#post-356091
Admin is right, floppy swim platform (in another post) is the reason to add a davit. Pascal you had some great input on that. I’ll post a detailed update on that post, That aside, I want to be ready for really rough seas, having the option to put the tender up top (or maybe a jetski or two) would be great. I’ve been on a few of those older Lazzaras, beautiful integration of the davits on both sides. Hoping I can pull off something similar. I don’t think it’s been done with this model before. Do you see any downside to this idea?
Having the davit hidden is a pita. When stowing and unstowing the davit, you have to do it a little bit at a time in various directions or if you re not careful you will crack the fiberglass cover against the fixed part.
You sure as heck do not want the weight of a davit and dinghy on the FB of a 68' or 74' Lazarra. They are already top heavy and roll like crazy in a beam sea, with the extra weight up there could even be dangerous by effectively stability so negatively in very rough seas. There are good swim platforms, the ones Sunseeker uses are very stout, have a strong lock and trouble free. Unlike your TNT lift.
Having been in a big beam sea without stabilizers functioning, I have to admit you’re right, that day (our worst ever) would have probably been much worse with an extra 1500lbs up top.