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To Renew, or not….?

Discussion in 'Yacht Captains' started by Norseman, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    My USCG 100 ton ticket is coming up for renewal in a few months but in doubt whether I want to go through the renewal process again:
    Got the application package in front of me, 8 sheets or 16 pages to fill out.
    Can’t remember from previous renewals if this is the way it was always done?
    (It makes it seem the CG never saved any previous information and every day is a brand new day,
    Like the way my dog experience life:))

    Why do I even consider renewing this ticket after I shut down my charter business and after
    I quit doing deliveries and the occasional Yacht Captain gig?
    I plan to charter bare-boats in the future, like 50’ sailboats in the Caribbean or the Bahamas:
    Does it matter if one is a licensed Captain vs a former Licensed Captain?
    Same with my present small boat, do I still get the insurance discounts with an expired ticket?
    Possible tax benefits keeping a professional license?

    How many retired Captains keep their ticket current just for pleasure boating?

    (Feeling lazy here, don’t want to fill out all the forms and renew, yet I don’t want to regret letting it expire, did that
    Once before and had to take the school and the testing again, much harder in 1999 than 1985 it was, either the brain had slowed down, or there was more stuff to learn) o_O
  2. Capt Cole

    Capt Cole Member

    Jan 24, 2017
    Pittsburg CA
    I went through the same internal debate during my last renewal. For me, the cost savings on my annual boat insurance and the ease of chartering a vessel in the BVI were the deciding factors in renewing. I got frustrated with the endless forms and found it was easier to make an appointment at a USCG Office and they made filling out the forms a breeze.

    Besides, I hate giving up something I worked hard to get.
  3. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Great Minds Think Alike

    How does the USCG Office help you fill out the forms?
    I have done 4 renewals in the past and did the forms at home using Sea Time to renew, except I did the Open Book Testing once at the MPT Office in Fort Lauderdale, it was a breeze, but I moved to North Florida 2 years ago, too long of a drive to do MPT again,
    Got a buddy here who is an Doc, he will do the medical form for beer, also got the Quest Drug testing place locally, but the 16 pages to fill out, then going over my Sea Time days for 5 years, etc..
    (Trying to talk myself out of it, but maybe I should bite the bullet.)
    Will call the Jacksonville USCG Office tomorrow and see if they can help out..
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Never give it up.
    I'll be renewing mine in a few months. I'll be 65.
    I do expect some issues but I want it current till......
  5. Capt Cole

    Capt Cole Member

    Jan 24, 2017
    Pittsburg CA
    I went to the testing center in Oakland CA which is only about an hour from my boat. I had a log of my Sea Service, Medical Exam form and Drug Screen. Very nice guy at the Oakland office took my paperwork and then filled out remaining forms electronically while I sat and answered questions. Maybe I got lucky or he felt sorry for me, or both. First time I ever went that route. I just had a couple of questions about one of the forms and took me into his office and cranked everything out in short order.
  6. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Nice, maybe there is a kindler and gentler Coast Guard out there.? :cool:

    You be the Baby..
    I am 67 but look like I am uh, 47 or 48 at the most..

    Life is still great, love my wife, my dog, my boat and good food ‘n drink every day.
    Thx for the comments Gentlemen.
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    The paperwork is no big deal… especially now that it’s all submitted on line by email. Finding a place to do the medical and the drug test is a little more difficult, but I do it in FTL at a walk in office.

    one of my regrets is having let my Commercial pilot license lapse years ago.
  8. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Hmm, not sure your Commercial Pilot License disappears without you using it.
    Your Instrument Rating however goes non-current if you don’t fly 6 hours with 6 IFR approaches in 6 months, or that was the rules when I was a flight instructor.
    As for your Commercial, the currency was 3 landings in 90 days to legally carry passengers and a medical every 12 months for a class 2, but also a Part 135 check ride to do charters.
    You actual license may still be valid once you do the currency to fly with pax.
    (I guess the USCG is not too difficult compared to the FAA:confused:)
  9. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I never really used it for commercial purposes, I got it for the extra knowledge and training.
  10. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Either way, a pilot license does not expire like a CG ticket.
    (Except a CFI)
    Unless things have changed since I retired from flying a few years ago.
    Yes, there is currency requirement but your license will only be revoked if you fly drunk or do other stupid sh!t, then have to start over again from scratch. (Like a CG ticket going stale)
    That being said, heard there is a new “Dormant Rule” for USCG tickets..
  11. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    I'm in the "almost lapsing" category now. I could still change my mind, but I've pretty much decided to not do the forms, the physical, the drug testing... mostly because the credential itself was more for my educational benefit rather than income.

    Ref the insurance: We had already maxed out on "experience and qualification" discounts before I even got the Master's ticket. Never got any discount benefit from having it. Your underwriters can probably answer better, for your situation.

  12. David Helsom

    David Helsom Senior Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    Sturgeon Bay/Fort Lauderdale
    Norseman, you are still correct. Only thing that expires is the CFI. Recent currency in IFR or landings doesn’t require the FAA just a friend or CFI.
    Norseman likes this.
  13. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Still sitting on the fence about renewing, or not, but started on the paperwork today, then it kind of
    went on it’s own and one Form led to another and another.
    Got my Sea Time sorted out, 460 days on my own boats, not need to have other Owner ‘s or Captains sign for me.
    The CG wants proof of ownership, easy enough for my current boat, but the 2 boats I sold in 2022 was FL registered, not Documented and I never saved copies of the FL Registration.
    Now what, doubt there is any Abstract of Title for registered boats.
    Called the Jacksonville USCG and left a message to have my UPV Examiner guy call me back.
    (Had all my Charter Boats Examined by the CG for UPV Compliance, like drawing friendly fire, but it worked out)

    My friendly Doctor buddy is next on the list, then find the Drug Testing Form, go to the lab and almost done..
    Looks like I will be renewing after all. :cool:
  14. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Yeah, the FAA are a but easier than the CG, except for the Medicals, the FAA shines in that department, the CG count your eyes let you fog a mirror, then Good to Go.:D
  15. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Drug testing for renewal:
    Followed a link from the USCG page to “Accredited Drug Testing”, paid my $90 online and was told to come in anytime, no appointment necessary.
    Not so fast: The address given was really a Labcorp place, got there at 2:10pm, and they said no Drug Testing after 2pm, besides they have been swamped every day and I need an appointment.
    First available was 12 days in the future.
    If it sounds too good to be true..

    Now looking for my TWIC card, also needed except if you have an exemption.
  16. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Aren’t you in FTL? There is a walk in office which does the testing and medical

    For the TWIC, you just need to include a signed statement saying you don’t need one. Sample on the USCG site
  17. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Not in Fort Lauderdale anymore, sold everything in 2022 and moved North to Palm Coast, built a house on a residential marina:
    Been downsizing and learning to live the rural life.:eek:
    Sold my Albin 28TE and got a new ride instead: 1-5-10 year IMG_8002.jpeg warranty, finally got burned out with older boats and doing the service and cleaning myself.
    At this place the boat gets washed and the engine flushed after every trip, then loaded on a rack in a hurricane rated Boat Hangar, all included.
    Spoiled, I am telling you..
  18. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I'd renew, you never know, you might get bored and come across a nice yacht delivery for a week or something and that alone more than pays for the renewal costs. The new TWIC card gets you the fast pass line or global entry line at TSA at all airports........
    Norseman likes this.
  19. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Ok and yes I started the process.
    Got a few snags along the way but it should work.
    Yes, I get bored frequently after a traveling and living on boats and ships full time for at least 5 years, then part time in Fort Lauderdale cruising the Bahamas 30+ times over 24 years, etc.

    The USCG ticket renewal is on the radar and my TWIC card is good until 2028.
    Tried to use a TWIC at the airport a few years ago, No Bueno, had to dig out a passport instead for the mighty TSA.
    Also tried to rent a PO Box @ the Flagler Beach Post Office in 2022, TWIC not accepted for a valid ID:rolleyes:
    (Wife was in Fort Lauderdale renting a car and needed my D.R. to put me on the paperwork as a second driver. The bureaucrat at the Post Office had no idea what the TWIC was and denied it)

    I may do delivery or two in the future if they are easy, and some are, but others are not.
    Been asked a few times, but in most cases I have to get up in the morning and actually do something.o_O
    If I get kicked out and taken to the cleaners, I may need to use the 100 ton ticket, in the meantime it is insurance and a tax write off.
  20. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I had my 100T license before TWIC was required. When required, it came quickly and I have never had an issue keeping it up.

    Funny thing about the TWIC from years ago, rite after I obtained it;
    My last real job was fixing ATMs and cash registers.
    This adventure did take me to the vendors in the JAX airport terminals.
    Half the time the TSA security had not a clue till I asked for a real supervisor and was then saluted and waved past..... With my tool box full of pointed objects.

    My bosses were always amazed how I got to and fixed the end user customer with minimal issues.
    I reminded them they did not pay enough for my secrets. Just remember the JAX terminal customers are happy come my next review.
    Short memory on their part and I finally quit that job.

    Another later example; I had to take delivery of an off loading of a boat at JaxPort. First gate did not let me in. A real stupidvisor was called and I was saluted and allowed in.
    Then wife, drove the truck back out with no issues.

    So, short storys long; Many of the first level security had no idea what a TWIC pass was. I can only hope things have improved.

    It takes just a few more extra steps to keep your TWIC card. You may never know when it will work or what you will be doing for it to help.
    Always ask for a smarter stupidvisor when required.
    IMO, keep it up also.