Made my last trip down the Welland Canal this year on Burger's new Northland, was a long day we finished at 2 am in the morning and 34 F cold. She is now going to run 1644 nautical miles out the Seaway non stop to Newport weather permitting.She has 44,000 liters of fuel on board and can travel 4000 nautical miles at 9.5 knots. Then off to warm Florida
I'm just so happy to see them deliver a recreational boat as it had been so long. Boating in the cold is one thing, but locking through a canal in the cold would definitely not be something I'd enjoy.
Well, it's now or never to get it South or it's stuck up North for the entire winter. I like the boat. I'd take it over an Asian built (Nordhavn etc. etc.) any day of the week.
Very nice, have a safe journey, amazing how you make that 42m Canadian Coast Guard vessel look small!
The captain just text me at 7 pm tonight and they are at the Iroquois lock on the St Lawrence and has three inches of snow on the deck very bad snow storm and this time of year all the marinas are closed.
I was gonna ask, where do you buy a "yacht" snow shovel! That stuff on the St. Lawrence can get pretty wet and overwhelming for a brush/broom.
I can relate. I must say that I am extremely aware of the incredible value that I own in that the full beam salon and modernized layout allows me to enjoy being a board a vessel 100-125 feet long yet held within a 68 foot presence. I've been aboard many, many boats, and several of them Burgers, but mine is really, really special in that regard. I've been fortunate enough to have been able to restore her to new condition while also modernizing many of her features and details. I was approached on a dock this summer with regard to selling her, and my take away was simply "how would I replace her?". I see such an incredible value in these older vessels that were maintained. It all starts with a high quality builder as well as solid basic design.
I have called you other things, but that is what brothers do. Here we so do agree. Luv ya brother.. ☺☺
I agree. It makes it easier to make good decisions as you roll forward in ownership. Big iron is likely next on the distant horizon, but this year it’s time to make over the fly bridge. If I could push a button I’d be a full timer aboard. Life keeps moving that button just out of reach.