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Insurance rate increase

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Capt Ralph, Sep 25, 2024.

  1. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    First, I'm going to brag; Everything I have ever owned was insured.
    I have never filed an insurance claim from storm damage,, Car, Home or Boat.
    I have never filed an insurance claim for collision damage,, Car, Home or Boat.
    I have never filed an insurance claim for fire damage,, Car, Home or Boat.
    In my life, I have filed an insurance claim once,, for loss to burglary and theft.

    I wonder how I could be so lucky;
    Possibly I move or secure everything that may get damaged or cause damage when bad weather is approaching.
    Possibly I drive my truck a lil more carefully (naw, just lucky here)
    Possibly I'm a good boy scout with items or devices that may go POOF.

    So, Early this year my car insurance premium increased a bit, again.
    This summer my Bertram's insurance premium went up chunk$$, again.

    So why am I so lucky to receive these premium increases & abuse when others get new homes, cars & boats from their insurance companies,,, every year,,, for NOT protecting their stuff.

    Homes built on exposed sand dunes. Cars left out on low ground to flood and boats tied up poorly with kite string. Nothing re-located.
    Oh, No stuff; One guy did secure his lawnmower gas cans in his outside/attached utility room,,, next to his gas-fired water heater,, He wonders why it went POOF..

    Why am I paying for other peoples new homes, cars and boats; in my zero claim policies???

    I think I have it figured out. I have been in the wrong for all my life.
    I'll just have another beer and not secure my home, car or boat.
    When this next storm hits (Tomorrow Night), I'll find some good hootch and watch my stuff flood and sink.
    New stuff already picked out. Yes, blue trim this time...

    So brothers, where is the hurricane party tomorrow night?
    I'll just leave everything behind for somebody else to clean up.
    I'll be at the hurricane (new boat) party.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
    Scallywag likes this.
  2. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Yep… responsible owners are paying for the AHs who don’t secure their properties. Then you hear the same excuse over and over: but the storm turned at the last minute…. But the surge wasn’t forecasted. It is infuriating.

    Remember the clown in Naples who let over a million dollars worth of sports cars in his garage float away and then Posted the footage?

    or the city of Naples that left millions of fire trucks get flooded?

    or the idiots who go kept their boats exposed in Ft Myers for Ian when safety was a 6 hours run up the OWW?

    we re paying for them.
    MBevins, Scallywag and YachtForums like this.
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL

    Last time we cruised thru the lake and past FtMyers, I remember thinking this was a weather trap.
    And it was.

    Must be more than fluoride in the water down there or proof of to many stuff for brain foreigners (yankees) moved in.

    No party invites yet, Think I'll have my own Lt Dan party.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    My insurance has gone up 30% in last 3 years. No claims, no issues and my boat is only in the water for half the year. I've tried to get a better rate in past two renewals and get higher quotes and that's if I can even get someone else to quote. Same story with RV, autos, classic cars, homeowner's ,etc.

    It's just like the dang fires started by power company transmission lines. People sue the power company for billions so power company raises rates to pay the loss because that's their only source of revenue.
  5. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    I feel fortunate that mine has only increased 15% from the 2022 policy to the new renewal for 2024/5. But the caveat is that I run north for the season of storms. Perhaps I'd see 30% had I chosen to remain in Florida all year?
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I feel the NHC was pretty close in their original forecast many days ago. It only took a part of a brain to know the coming weather was threatening.
    Surge, landfall, wind and more was pretty darn close this whole week.

    After watching videos of 40 to 50 footers in the trees. Knowing that cars have been flooded in garages. More homes flooded and structures have been wiped out,,, AGAIN..
    Then; Failed Darwin participants.
    My original assumptions of Stuff For Brains people has been re-enforced.

    When some genius states it has never flooded past his lawn and finds in his garage, cars under water, WHY do I have to pay for that??

    Again, The NHC forecast was correct,, all week long..

    I need to find an insurance company that writes for sane and responsible people..
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Just sitting down to another fine evening.
    Reminiscing and offering prayers of thanks for our local blessings.

    Then in the back ground, I hear the TV; Kurt Russel & Goldie Hawn in movie; Overboard..
    Then it hit me; Hard working person vs spoiled person with out a clue.

    For those in Rosa Linda, I'll type slower and relate to this thread.

    It is the upbringing, way of life, class and wanna-be arrogance that some folk could not care about securing up or re-locating their boat and offering some responsibility to their damages or damages to other boats. These same folk can not take a few minutes to move their cars to higher ground to keep them dry also. Their insurance and attorneys protect them from all and they could not care less. I have considered these folks brain damaged and called them stuff for brains most of my life. Fat check books contribute to their spoiled way of life,,, with out a clue.
    But, are they truly brain damaged or just because of way different values and ways of life, they are different and threaten the ways of life for the other folk with out a thought.

    The other folk are hard working people that want to enjoy the open waters also, abit, on a budget.
    We rub coins together trying to survive and endeavor to enjoy the open waters abound us (wish I had some good coins).
    I feel most of us work hard and harder to play on our waters.
    Not much is given, offered or taken for granted.

    I do enjoy the movie that Goldie Hawn learned the view from Kurt Russel's side and way of life. But sadly, that story only worked in Hollwierd.

    What can we do ??

    I need to find an insurance company that writes for sane and responsible people..
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
  8. wac45

    wac45 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    Palm Harbor, Fl
    Our marina got some damage from Helene and is still without power. Fortunately the boat did fine. But to your point, several boats came off the lift slips since they were not secured and two of them (26ft and 30 ft) floated into an empty slip damaging the dock and the boats in the slips on each side of the empty slip. When the owner of the boat that was properly secured but being damaged arrived he managed to secure both of the wayward boats in the slip so they were no longer damaging the other boats that were properly secured in their slips.

    When the owner of the wayward 30 footer arrived later he seemed pretty unconcerned about the damage he had caused to the boat in the next slip when I pointed it out to him. He was most concerned that the 26 footer was blocking him in and he couldn't get his boat out of the slip that he was now wedged into. So a day goes by and the next day when we get to the dock the 30 footer is gone and the 26 footer is floating freely in the fairway between the two rows of docks. We managed to corral the wayward 26 footer and get it back in a slip for now. Hard to believe someone would just untie a boat and leave it unsecured but that sure seems like what happened here. What is wrong with people?
  9. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    It's times like this I wish there was a working security camera somewhere.
    I would play that video endlessly, everywhere..
    wac45 likes this.
  10. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey

    Or entitled people who could care less about others, the highways are full of them.......
  11. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Well, H Milton coming onto the greatest pile of abusers of my insurance premiums.
    What sorry excuses will they use this time?
    Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 19-08-49 Windy Milton - Hurricane tracker.png
    Ran out of kite string..
    Locks were closes..
    Or my fave; The guy next to me didn't leave, why should I..
  12. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Hopefully Milton will not threaten us is sofl… but if it does we have an insurance problem with the 110. Our current policy doesn’t allow us to move the boat to the Bahamas like I did with the 84 back in 2017 days o
    Keep Out of harms way. So with a storm like Milton, I’d have nowhere to go since most of the west and east coast could be affected. Insurance underwriters are just plain stupid.
  13. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Ya know I'm still steamed from claims in S & S/W FL last couple of years. Then last week more claims. I figure the weather gods have more issues with these clowns.
    Not many left, not many excuses left.

    I fear the StJohns River will prove to be a tall challenge this storm.
    We use real dock lines, tied on an engineered dock with real tall piles.
    Again ,,It is all the other clucks and their stuff blowing into us that upsets me.

    Here are some old pics. Note; Bundled storm dolphin piles on the outside. Some single dolphin piles on the inside with mobil home anchors in the yard.
    Nothing going anywhere but up & down. Been thru a few already. Never an issue.

    20201202_102737 a.jpg 20210526_172242 a.jpg Home a.jpg

    Our lines just dried out and were just secured. Have to pull them back out and tie all back up,, again..
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2024
  14. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    We were in the Ortega River when storm Matthew came up in 2016.
    That storm got my attention then.
    Humm, October,,
    Humm, storm starts with M,,
    Humm,, made lots of money re-floating dummies boats.

    Lots of dummies..

    Retired now without a work boat, bags or pumps,,, Ratts..
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2024
  15. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Starting yesterday (Wednesday), been watching videos & live-cams from the left coast.
    Boats were sinking and on the docks in Bradenton when the storm center was still in the middle of the GOM.
    Thru the night the carnage of boats got depressing.

    5 to 6 days ago this storm was foretasted to do, just what it has done.

    One of our brothers here mentioned an idea; Storm Damage deductibles should be greatly increased.
    Been thinking about this for days now. I'll bring it up with my agent next week.