just curious since you say big price drop what were they asking before? I have read all I can find on the pods but I am still considering them because of the boat. If I could order the perfect boat and afford it I would but that’s not possible for me!
Regarding this boat, the 62 Trident, 1.5mm at one time, so a perty big price drop. I've been told the other boat like this is not as nice. This boat if anything is super clean, and I think it had been overpriced from the beginning. And if you want to keep it there at the best covered marina for miles you can. So lots of positives. It just seems sort of cramped in the main salon to me. I'd throw a low offer out I think they want it sold.
Thanks for the info, we are on the east coast so if all goes well it will be moved this way. But I did like it’s been undercover. Love the boat, just still on the fence with the pods. There is a Mechanic over here that specializes in the Zuess pods he said do the yearly and other required maintenance and it will be fine. But then again he probably wants me as a customer.