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Maintenance schedule

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by MountainGuy, Sep 13, 2024.

  1. MountainGuy

    MountainGuy Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Hi, I am interested in the maintenance schedule of a small yacht (45-55ft), one inboard engine, small gen, watermaker, aircon, ...

    Vendor websites do not publish any docs, which show, what has to be done after what time or running hours. Thinking about oil changes, fuel filters, zinks, ...

    What can you do yourself, what has to be done professionally to keep warranty etc? You have checklists that you can share?

  2. Sarnico

    Sarnico New Member

    Jul 11, 2022

    you will find all service requirements in the manuals of the equipment installed. If you are buying a new boat the boat will usually fall out of warranty if the service is not done by an approved dealer.

    In theroy you can do all the serviceing yourself if you are technically competent enough - all the parts are available to purchase. However, if it is a new boat it may be killing you in warranty cases and if you are not hanging on to the boat forever it will most likely also effect your resale value as you have not the correct records...

    On older boats you can easily get away with servicing yourself.

    Hope this helps.
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    It varies depending on the equipment manufacturers

    mains: oil and filter change (incl Racors and secondaries) every 150 - 175 hours on average. Yes easily DIY on smaller engines. Zincs too

    there will be additional service to be done at longer intervals like impeller, heat exchanger and after cooler etc. These will be in the service manuals which usually you can fine on line

    gens: same but every 200 -250 hours. 20 minutes DIY

    water makers: occasional filter changes, frequency depends on how silty your sea water is.

    Air Con: again it depends on where you are. If down south in summer you ll have to clean the strainers more often unless you have external strainers. Usually the only other maintenance is an annual descale.

    none of the routine stuff should affect warranty as long as you have records like filters and oil purchase for instance but obviously, read the warranty fine print.