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Sunreef Yachts: Buyer Beware

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by ky1e, Feb 15, 2023.

  1. ky1e

    ky1e New Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    We placed an order for a 80' Sunreef and it was over 1 year late, we were very disappointed in the workmanship, and cancelled our order as we were entitle to by contract due to Sunreef not fulfilling the terms of the contract. They have over $6,000,000 of our money and we have retained attorneys.

    Much of their marketing is photoshopped, they use vaporware/renderings to pretend they are bigger then they are, have more models than they do. (Remainder of paragraph redacted as per poster's request)

    They bill themselves as a luxury superyacht builder but the reality is we found the quality and build to be that of a production boat. Their marketing maks them look like Rolls Royce/Mercedes, the build quality is more like Volkswagan Passat.

    More disturbing was when we went to Gdansk to inspect the boat and then cancel the contract due to the quality, the owner Nicholas Lapp told us "we dont have the money to refund you until we sell the boat to someone else." (true story). We have wasted 2 years, hundreds of hours, endless communication, multiple trips to Poland and the whole experience has been a disaster.

    I have retained legal council. Buyer beware. Sunreef is not what they pretend to be in their marketing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2024

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    Sorry to hear of the disappointment and loss of $$. Curious how they got $6m prior to delivery and acceptance? Sounds like you may have paid nearly the total cost long before you took delivery or should I say, when you were supposed to take delivery? Did your contract not allow for withholding a larger portion of the total cost until you took delivery?
    chesapeake46 likes this.
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
  4. Robert Riva

    Robert Riva Guest

    I am the person who sold Ky1e the yacht and can share an update on this situation. The company and I parted ways for 1 year and recently I cam back and can share updates from the inside on the realities of today.

    1) His yacht was indeed very late. It was during the 2021 supply chain issues where every manufacturer was very late, but no excuse, they should not have been as late as they were. That has since been resolved and yachts are being delivered between 14-20 months depending on the model and queue ahead of them.

    2) They still have the yacht and indeed refunded the buyer every penny. Keep in mind when you pay for a yacht, the shipyard uses the money to order engines, generators, product, labor, etc etc. The Yacht had been completed but the buyer had a clause that allowed him to cancel the contract due to tardiness, and he did and was fully paid even though they still own/have not sold the yacht. This did not go any further than a few letters between attorneys.

    3) I sold 20 yachts and in only one case (this one) did a buyer feel the yacht was not up to snuff. In fact, the new yachts sold have been selling in the secondary market even 2-3 years old, for more than the owners paid for them ... Sunreef is far and away the highest end Catamaran money can buy.

    4) The longest delivery time at the peak of the covid delays etc was 2.2 years. There are some manufacturers there that are on year 4+ of their "delivery promise" for smaller yachts ...

    5) The company is incredibly well funded, continuing to deliver a record number of yachts and even launching a brand new line of express cruisers.

    In closing, it's absolutely a shame that the yacht was delayed as long as it was for Ky1e. But if asked, even Ky1e would concur that they were indeed paid back every dollar without having to get into a legal battle of any kind.

    It's important for the record to be set straight, in the end we are all on the same team here.

    Sunreef are doing the most of any manufacturer to push the boundary of sustainability in yachting while actually delivering on their promise. They recently launched the first fully electric 80 foot solar catamaran in the United States currently in Newport, RI which will be showcased at FLIBS in October.

    Perhaps most importantly, Sunreef has invested a ton of money in it's after sales service team based in Florida that answers and assists immediately when texted.
    Golan likes this.
  5. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Spoken like a broker with a vested interest! Claiming it is "far and away the highest end catamaran money can buy" is reason enough to stay FAR and AWAY from Sunreef.
  6. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I am in receipt of a letter from an attorney representing Sunreef claiming the statements by Ky1e are both erroneous and defamatory, but it appears that Robert Riva (who works for Sunreef) has substantiated the authenticity of Ky1e's complaint. Sunreef claims the statements in Ky1e's post are unfounded and maliciously intended to damage their reputation. They are asking for this thread to be removed.

    This post is made to notify Ky1e. We'd like to know if Sunreef remedied this situation?
  7. ky1e

    ky1e New Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    What i wrote is completely accurate. At the time of the post they had not paid me. Since then they have. However Sunreef did not do it willingly. We had to hire an int'l attorney and spent over $100,000 in total legal fees (~$55,000 in int'l attorney fees and $50,000 in domestic legal counsel).

    We still ended up losing ~$500,000 due to: change in exchange rate (we paid in euros and they paid us back in euros but exchange rate changed), legal fees, items we purchased specifically for the yacht, surveyors, yacht llc, captain salary (capt was on site in Gdansk conducting production visits), etc.

    This does not include 2 years of wasted time. We spend 100's of hours, 2 trips to Poland, on ordering the boat picking out fabrics, custom touches, etc..

    Each time the boat was supposedly ready we would schedule a trip to Poland, arrange for a marina slip, insurance, capt, transatlantic yacht transport, etc and then at the last minute they would inform us the boat was not ready. They did this multiple times over 9 months. If they had just been honest and said it will be a year late it would have been better received, but instead they kept getting our hopes up, wasting our time and disrupting our schedule and disappointing us. After 4 delvery date cancellations we gave them a drop dead date or we were cancelling due to them exceeding the delivery date by over 180 days (which gave us the right to cancel). They assured us it would be completed in Dec 2022. We flew in our Gulfstream to Poland (which is no small expense) to do the closing and inspect the boat.

    When we arrived there were workman all over the boat, step ladders, and them scrambling to finish. It was not ready. Nothing had been tested. The wiring was very sloppy. I saw a lot of quality issues and was upset so my wife suggested we have a glass of champagne in the salon and just enjoy the boat. They tried to turn on the tv but it didnt work and the internet didnt work either. They opened the skylight in the salon and about 5 gallons of water started pouring throughout the salon ceiling thru the recessed light fixtures. It was a disaster. I had knots in my stomach. They wanted me to buy the boat and said they would finish the boat once it arrived in the USA. I said that's it and canceled the boat. The #1 problem was the boat looked good form afar but up close and when you looked at the workman ship of wiring and details it was poor quality and I knew it would be a nightmare of issues and problems. I am very glad I did not take delivery, it would have been a huge headache. I found Sunreef to be dishonest, poor quality, and their marketing deceiving.

    But yes eventually they repaid me. I dont wish that nightmare on anybody.

    PS to add credence, the owner Nicholas Lapp told me the Ukraine war had caused problems because many of the skilled workers had to return to Ukraine and no new ones could come and it was difficult for their operations-- it was difficult to get skilled workers. I wouldnt be surprised if that is why they are setting up new facilities in the Middle East (to get low wage workers that come to UAE), plus to lower his taxes.

    PPS. Sunreef appears to threaten anyone with legal action who posts complaints about Sunreef. There was a facebook forum on sunreef and they sent an atty letter to the forum admin and got them to change the name so no one could find it. They are doing it again here. I suspect they do this to hide any complaints and hear from real experiences from owners and buyers.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
    TSL90 likes this.
  8. Cpt Sous-Leau

    Cpt Sous-Leau Member

    Mar 29, 2024
    USA, Earth
    Woof. Pins and needles for the final outcome. I wonder if the boat will be discounted to the next buyer?

    I would presume any new boat would have a survey done by a qualified marine surveyor prior to acceptance? If the buyer didn't complete the transaction, there should be a survey with the squawks listed?

    I can only imagine the feeling of angst to go see the new boat, and the heartbreak of reality slapping me in the face.
  9. ky1e

    ky1e New Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    The only part of my original post that could be disputed is the part:

    "We have since learned they have taken many peoples deposits(upto 70 deposits) (we paid a $3.5MM deposit almost 2 years ago) but not delivered very many boats. It appears they are using peoples deposits to fund their business, pay for marketing, building new plants/infrastructure but are having trouble delivering customers boats."

    Yes I heard that, I believe that, but it was not firsthand knowledge, so I am ok with removing that part, and only that part.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
  10. ky1e

    ky1e New Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    The original terms were a 9 month build time (order in 2020 and deliver Feb 2021). It had two payment options:

    1. pay 20% at signing and roughly 20% every couple months over the 9 months contracted build time.
    2. or pay 50% upfront, 40% after hull completion (a few months after signing initial contract) and final 10% at some other later stage and for doing so we would receive a discount (something around $350,000).

    We chose option 2. It ended up being that we were fully paid well in advance of delivery, not knowing they were going to be very late, and by 2022 a year after the original delivery date the boat was still not fit for delivery.
  11. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Thank you for clarifying your experience with Sunreef, ky1e. The paragraph (above) has been redacted.

    Incredibly unfortunate situation!
  12. Cpt Sous-Leau

    Cpt Sous-Leau Member

    Mar 29, 2024
    USA, Earth
    I took a look at their website, just for spits and giggles. I have a few comments on that.

    1. They invested billions in their CGI/graphic design there. That is world class, top notch 'artist rendering' work. I don't think there is one un-doctored photo in the whole place. The graphic artist was a genius and is worth every Schekel charged. Whether that corresponds to the actual product remains to be seen.

    2. Sigh - I'm no noodge about it, but the words "Eco" and "yacht" should never be uttered in the same context. Who are they trying to kid? Did they get the idea from Al Gore, while riding on one of his big private jets between lavish homes? Yuk-yuk. I mean, I'm all for efficiency of propulsion, and I've designed and installed a few solar systems myself(off grid), but really - is someone going to buy the concept of a 'green revolution' and 'power yacht' combined? Cringeworthy attempt. I'd prefer an honest eval rather than this bovine scatology. "Their yacht gets 0.25NMPG, and ours gets 0.3NMPG!" :p
  13. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Out of curiosity, I visited their website and EVERY page is prompting me to accept cookies; clearly a company that has no regard for privacy. On those grounds alone, they will never benefit from a link on YF. We discontinued coverage of their boats many years ago for the reasons outlined in the link below...

    Among the notable industry veterans participating in the thread, it's worth noting... "ayachtguy" is Chris Caswell; one of the most published writers in the marine industry. He's won more than 50 awards for writing and has been a yachting journalist for more than four decades. Another thread participant is marine industry writer and photographer Tom Serio who shared his observations on Sunreef too.
    GPO likes this.
  14. Martin Strode

    Martin Strode New Member

    May 6, 2024
    I was also looking at purchasing a sunroof 60 prior to reading this forum. If I’m looking for a luxury 60 foot catamaran to sail the med for one season and then head across the Atlantic to the Caribbean for a season and then back to the med for one more season and then sell the yacht. What would someone recommend?.
  15. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Besides luxury 60 foot catamaran, how important are "looks" to your eye?

    Some thoughts about your project before recommendations.

    Luxury is comfort to some folks, safety to others, space yet to others. Hard to know what you find luxurious. However since you were sighting a Sunreef we can imagine some of what makes a catamaran seem luxurious to you.

    Transats are a real sailing project. Back and forth even more so. Luxury may be a decent turn of speed in light variable conditions.

    Now to get to your question about recommendation. I am more interested in ocean crossing comfort, here are my recommendations.

    FYI, I coastal sail a 37' monohull sailboat, 50' twin cummins powered sedan motor vessel and a 13' Hobie Wave catamaran, so take this with a grain of salt. Although maybe two grains as I follow current catamaran developments closely.

    Balance 580 or 620
    HH 55 or 65, there is an HH60 on the drawing board
    McConaghy MC60
    Privilege 580
    and I love Outremers but the O55 is the largest in that stable right now.

    Have fun!
  16. ky1e

    ky1e New Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    For a 1 year use I would buy a used boat (newer model but used) so all the kinks are worked out. A new yacht will have a bunch of warranty needs, lots of outfitting needs for full time cruising and ocean crossings, whereas a used boat will have had all the punchlist items done and ready to go (as well as depreciation hit already taken). Also depends on your crew— is it just you and a wife or multiple people doing this year long cruise? Some boats are easier to singlehand sail than others (electric furling or electric winches vs all manual). Cruising hull vs performance hull.
    gr8trn and Capt Ralph like this.
  17. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    All the kinks will never be worked out, right?

    But I agree with your idea. Certainly a prudent first owner can get a lot of the teething out of the way and get some kit added and take some depreciation for owner number two.

    Are the pandemic boats going up for sale, I see a few now. Are they showing some depreciation, not much yet. Bristol used boats are still asking a premium.
  18. Golan

    Golan New Member

    Sep 11, 2024
    I had completely different experience!
    Sunreef build the yacht for me as per my requests and my design with milestones for every stage and payment .
    on every installment our expert visit the yard inspect the progress and quality and confirm to pay the installment .
    Very important to make the design and layout decisions on time to have the yacht delivered on time .
    The result was amazing super cat that we love and proud of .
  19. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Your bio states your in sales. I don't know many salesmen that can afford to commission a new Sunreef.

    Your IP states you're in Cannes and by some strange coincidence, the 2024 Cannes Boat Show started today.

    This thread had been dormant and almost forgotten but you guys keep resurrecting it with each new post. :rolleyes:
    BlueNomad likes this.
  20. Maritna_ra

    Maritna_ra Active Member

    Oct 16, 2019
    Can I add a 4th point? Sunreef has unveiled a new flagship, what a coincidence!!!!o_O