I have recently acquired a newfound interest in strikers and have been doing some research but cant find much about them expect from a foe thread here a decade ago. Was curious what happen to them? where are all the plans for them? who owns the rights nowadays? are they still being made in turkey? from what I've read ed Ennis who claims to be owner of striker is a con artist is that true?
Edward Ennis still posts on social media claiming to be able to build super yachts to over 400 meters. Also claims to be working with a client to build a 122', 150' and a 200' as well as one for himself with triple motors. I don't think Striker has produced anything since maybe the late 90's if im not mistaken.
I had email from Ennis Jr. back in Oct. 2021 and Florida Corporations shows the company as active; His email said they were not building under 62 ft. due to non profit. ENNIS JR, EDWARD E1323 S.E 17th St. #310 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33316 STRIKER YACHT CORPORATION STRIKER PETROLEUM & GAS, LTD. Edward E. Ennis, Jr. Chairman/CEO /Office +1.954.684.8973 /Mobile +1.954.328.6691/WEBSITE www.Striker-Yacht.com /MAIN CORPORATE EMAIL inquiry@Striker-Yacht.com/CORP. PER. EMAIL eennisjr@Striker-Yacht.com/ Strikerpetrolandgasltd@Striker-Yacht.com