That’s a new one to me: in addition to the previous requirements, it turns out that boats over 65’ now need to carry extra fire extinguishers in the engine room based on engine horsepower even when a fixed system is installed. This came up during the annual system inspection on the 110’ I run; the tech said it was a new requirement. I looked up the CFR and sure enough… what I don’t like is the requirement for the extinguishers to be installed inside the ER. I think having them right outside is a much better option so that in case of an ER fire you don’t have to open the door and then search for the bottles. So if you have a boat that’s over 65, you may have to buy extra ones 33 CFR § 175.320
I'm not sure that rule was interpreted correctly. If you are over 300 gt you don't need a semi -portable if you have a fixed system. But if you do have a fixed system you are okay. The inference would be that not all vessels have a fixed system and that this rule only applies to those that don't. A poorly written regulation at best; (2) In addition to the portable fire extinguishers required by table 4 to § 175.320(b)(1), the following fire extinguishing equipment must be fitted in the machinery space: (i) One 20-B fire extinguisher must be carried for each 1,000 brake horsepower of the main engines or fraction. However, not more than six such extinguishers are required to be carried. (ii) On recreational vessels of more than 300 gross tons, either one 160-B semi-portable fire extinguishing system must be fitted, or alternatively, a fixed fire extinguishing system must be fitted in the machinery space.
The CFRs are always headache inducing but the way I read it, over 65’ the one FE per 1000hp seem to apply. We re 209GT so I haven’t looked at the rules over 300