Does anyone understand the use of this huge front "pole" by the way? I must confess that i don't; given the huge radarmast i dont quite see why one would want to put such a huge pole in your view from the bridge just for one light and something to measure the windspeed. Otherwise, the ship grows more and more on me; especially the double overhangs in front of the wheelhouse and the doublesquere shapes at the back of the superstructure are very nice; bit like a Mercedes; first time you see it you think; "so what" and after that they keep getting nicer on the eye
Ais! To my surprise i found a free ais service, which covers an area in front of Hoek van Holland and Rotterdam Harbour Apparently the weather is even worse then i thought since Amevi seems to be sheltering in one of the covered spaces at Hoek van Holland. This is the info i get on Amevi from Ais; Name: AMEVI Callsign: PC8998 MMSI: 245999280 IMO: 1009118 Status: Underway Dest: SEATRIALS ETA: Nov05 10:34 Type: Pleasure Craft Speed/Dir: 0,1 kts / 87 Size: 80m x 12m x 5m Received: 2006-12-12 17:21:17UTC
Although late to the party here, I'd like to add my thanks to Erik for the great photos taken under pretty crummy conditions. What a gorgeous yacht-- very bold shapes, yet with sufficient tumblehome to soften the effect. The comments on that forward light mast caught my attention. You guys are right: it's going to be a problem for the helmsman. It is so deliberately there that it makes me wonder if it's due to a nav light rule, say, for towing situations ( the masthead light/foredeck light provide great range markers for the tug crew ). Purely as a styling feature seems doubtful.
about the big front mast. it is like this. every yacht bigger than 50 meters HAS to have 2 masts with lights. this are the regulations. also maltesa falcon has a small mast in front of the 3 big ones. it is there just because of regulation so you can tell how big the boat. this is necesary because of the manoeuvres on the see. nice day
i believe you are right; i just checked the Oceanco and Amels site and in most cases its done that way, although visually there seems to be quite a difference; at Oceeanco it almost seems a trademark
The more I see of Amevi the more I love the look. She's like a fusion of Pelorus and Octopus... the best of both! (It's a shame about the mast though)
Great work as usual Tan, I love the placement of those Jacuzies on the fore deck..excellent! PS: What is wrong with the forward mast? I think it is elegant. Octopus has a huge non hydraulic forward mast too, Annaliese and Alysia and those.
If you look at the masts Feadship uses youll notice that they are simple and straightforward masts (bit like a flagpole but chromed) and these doesnt obstruct the view that much. I understand the need for height though
I understand what you mean but i still do not think it will terribly obstruct the view of those in command. If it did it would be a terrible design flaw!
Yes, and than you see those aftermarket installed stays like the mast was never meant to be there so they improvised with what they had ready at hand in the wharehouse...To my thoughts a mast is a feature of a ship, it has to be there and it has to stay there in all weather conditions. Why hiding what is a part of the ship anyway? View obstructive? It obstructs just as much as RR figure or a mercedes stern, after all, how many of you ever stood behind the wheel of an 80 meter yacht? Another curious comment was the one of Amevi looking like a mixture of Octopuss and Pelorus... what exactly is there on her that reminds of Pelorus?
I think I know what Kevin was thinking off, Amevi has a yacht-like appearance, same as with Pelorus, which is not always the case with such big yachts.
The two things I noticed that I think I like the most are the two hot tubs forward, and what appears to be a very cool shape for the tender on the starboard side. I imagine the tender comes out via the top half swinging up while the bottom swing down, but it would be cool looking to see her if the bottom and top were one, and all swinged the same way, down ending looking like a giant wing with a wingtip (aeleron?, is that what it's called)
aileron. But the ailerons on an airplane are not tips or on the tips of the wing. They are control surfaces located on the outter end of the wings. The tips you may be refering to are called Winglets and they are designed to reduce wind vortecies from the trail edges of the wings. Getting back to Amevi, i believe that the aft hinged facade will open in two motions or pieces. I do not think that can open as a whole.. then again we will have to see.