The hull was in the mold as a prop boat. Luhrs glassed over the prop shafts area and took the rudder off. The pods act as a rudder. Having trouble inserting a pic.
Volvo calls them IPS 600's due to the efficiency of the pods. They are actually Volvo D6 motors with 435HP.
Hi BR, welcome to YF. To attach a pic, hit the "Upload a File" button on the lower right corner of the Post Reply box. This will open a window to search your drive. Hit "Browse" and your hard drive files should be visible in a pop-up window. Double click the file you want to insert, then click "Post Reply". We urge members to keep file sizes down to a manageable size, like around 800 to 1000 pixels. This is large enough to see details without using excessive bandwidth. It makes threads load faster and makes it easier for readers to see.
Carl, Is there a way to do it properly from an iPhone? That's how I do mine but they tend to be too large or , now , are posting sideways as you know. OR is it just me...and my poor knowledge of electronics/computer.
Most people make the mistake of holding their phones upright when taking pics. Bring up your pic, hit edit then rotate and save. Of course you'll end up with the blurred sides from holding the phone upright but at least we won't have to lean our heads sideways.
Not sure on Android systems but with the iPhone there are many apps to resize your pics. These phones take such hi-res pics they could be blown up into barndoor posters and still have a good resolution. Our phones take multi-meg pics that are print quality resolution but they only need to be a fraction of that size to display clearly on the net. I don’t have the latest version of iOS installed on my phone. I’m still using an iPhone 6 Plus. There use to be a setting in your camera to control the size of pics, but I’m not seeing it on my phone now. If you Google: “reduce iPhone pics” it will return lots of options. BTW, the only reason we try to keep pics down to manageable sizes is because we have a disproportionate number of satcom users on the forum. Big pics chew up big data. It can be costly for users and a turn off for some.
Ok NYCAP I will try that. I do use the reduce selection on my phone, but my photos lately have either posted real small or to big and now they are running sideways for some reason. I will take my time and work on it. I understand the use of satcom users ,you told me and others about that before, so I try to be careful on the size. I will get it right one
Hi, I bought a ‘69 Luhr 32 as a COViD project. It has twin Detroit Diesels. Mostly needed a lot of cosmetic work. It’s 12 ft wide and very solid. And doesn’t leak! It’s my first boat, steep learning curve, although I’m getting pretty good at varnishing!