A friend of mine with a 50 has a screen which rolls downward in his salon door opening. I also think I saw a post from another member some time back on this forum with a screen, opens side to side. Anyone have pics of theirs and the manufacturer? Do you use the screen and would you recommend one? Thanks!
We tried one of the commercial walk-through screens but the velcro around the door frame it attaches to bubbles as it changes length as the humidity changes. My wife made a new one with two panels of screen, with a curtain rod loop at top and weight pockets at bottom. It uses a spring loaded curtain rod at the top of the door frame. It works better than the commercial one but we still only use it ocassionally. Most of the time we either don't need one or the AC is on and the door is closed.
Thanks Greg, yeah, Serene by Phantom makes a pretty nice retractable screen. It's just nice to have the salon door open on a fall day or night.
One of the boats I managed, the owner added some real cool retractable screen doors. Wheelhouse side and aft sliding doors. Took up a fat inch on one side, maybe 1/4" on the other side and 1/2" on the top. Really fine job. I just got a response from the owner (then) and he offered their site; https://www.coolscreensinc.com