Hello I have recently been looking at buying a 1976 Matthews Voyager 56 and wondered if anyone has any experience of these in rough conditions. Are they ok a force 6- 7. Boat looks interesting but hull looks a bit more suited to calm waters, unlike a Hatteras. Any thought really welcome.
Why would you want to go out in force 6-7 conditions in the first place ? not familiar with Matthew’s but I would avoid taking my Hatteras in such conditions
If it's the 56 located near Chicago, there is no reason why the hull design would be worse than a Hatteras in rough water. The hull design looked pretty normal in the listing photos, the only caveat being that the hull bottom looks somewhat rounded instead of being flat so it might roll a lot in beam seas. Looks like quite a lot of TLC and refurbishment needed. But as Pascal says above, no one should be taking a pleasure boat this size out in force 6-7 conditions.
Hull design is only one part. Look at the glass in the boat. Force 7 is generally considered to have Large waves that would be breaking across the foredeck. Are those windows designed for hours of that? Is that side door going to handle a wave that breaks over the side? Many sportfish boats have eliminated forward windows over the years because of that. In extreme seas I would take my former 44' sportfish with no forward windows and no side openings at all over my 58' cruising yacht. Not saying it's not a good boat - just maybe force 7 is a little too high an expectation for a coastal cruising yacht.
Years ago I took some water over the bow of a 70 footer exiting a cut in the Exumas with wind against out going tide…. Broke a windshield panel. Not completely but caved in at the top letting gallons of water in the galley. That boat had a low bow with no sheer. that Matthews has very low freeboard, not good in rough waters
Like this one? https://www.**************/yacht/1973-matthews-56-voyager-offshore-9173979/ Having stuffed a few boats thru my time on (in) the water, I would consider this one fair to choppy use only. Probably an excellent craft for the ICW, inland rivers and on great days, near coastal. I think a great Looper.
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