The 4’ wide walkway goes from land to the platform. The platform is 8’ be 20’. I’m probably going to increase the platform to 40’. But I’m going to just have some extra poles (dolphins) put in for now. I don’t know how to put pics in this forum. I can put them in other forums right from my computer, but this is asking for url. That’s over my head.
Uploading Pictures... Images MUST be 800 pixels wide or less in .jpg format... The standard image size on YachtForums is 800 pixels wide. This is so our viewers with low-res, small monitors don't have to scroll sideways. If you are going to upload a picture(s) to YachtForums, PLEASE use a photo editing program to reduce the picture to 800 pixels wide. Uploading pictures... You will notice the button "Upload a File" just below the text box. Click on this link and a new window will open. Click on the "Browse" button and a window will pop up that will allow you to navigate to where the file (or picture) is located on your hard drive. Once you find the file, double-click on it and it will be placed in the "Attached Files" box. Then... click "Post Reply" on the bottom right side of the editorial box. ***
On your computer, right click the picture icon. A mini menue comes up, down a few options is Edit. Hit that. Around the top left is resize. Hit that. Hit the pixel button. Delete the value in the top box. Type in 800 or less (600). Hit O K. Hit save as and save. Now your in spec and can upload it.
I have an iPad. I got on the pic and clicked everything I could find. There’s all kinds of stuff I never knew, but I didn’t find a pixel reduction.
In IOS )iPhone or iPad) click on upload a file > Choose file > Photo library. Then at the bottom of the page where you choose pictures / folder, click on Options and select small or medium. Then select the picture to upload.
You will maybe end up wanting to use a cart rather than a hand truck, as it will hold more dissimilar things, like groceries, that you don't want to stack. The ramp should be long enough to pull heavy loads easily up or safely go down. Heavy loads like tool boxes or batteries going down a ramp can get away from you on a slippery surface when you're bent over, so be sure and incorporate non-skid provisions.
I went to West Marine today. Is this what you got. They didn’t have any there, but they did have these 3 foot pieces that were covered with a heavy duty white cloth. I don’t follow how pvc is protection for your boat.
Mostly needed is a smooth surface for the ship's gunnel (bang strip) to slide on. 4" PVC can take a heck of a beating until it freezes, Then like ice, it shatteres. That 4" green pipe I came upon, did not shatter. Wish I still had a picture of it. On the side of the pipe towards the boat, I hole sawed a 1/2" hole, Across from that I drilled a 3/8" hole. Vertical on the pile face, A lag screw went thru the larger hole with a ratchet extension, screwing thru the small hole into the pile. Back then, we laied across the river current. Half of the time the boat was pressed against the piles. Also when deploying or returning, Sliding in/out on the plastic was much nicer than rubbing on the bare wood pile or rubber. Currently, the river does not push us on the pile and the rubber mini fenders like what you ordered are great.
I still have some used 3/4 round fenders in my shop if you need them. 1/4 price plus shipping We used these on the floating docks in Jax and never deployed a fender.