Nice Cummins 11s. Looks good in there. Must have been a change of life event to have to sell that purty Berty. Sadly, when you more than double the cost of a boat, You usually don't get that expense back when selling.
Large loss also took place with a totally refurbished newer 1996 model that sold for 315,000. also with new Cats and upgrades from two top yards in Palm Beach.
Another 46.6 vintage all redone at Glasstech in Miami. Was listed for 700,000. and then listing went away so no idea if she sold and if so for how much.
All very nice boats. Really enjoy seeing the old classics getting modernized and fixed up. On the blue hulled boat the used angle iron to support the exhaust system. Does that look unprofessional to the forum?
Absolutely, as personally I HATE RUST. Although I didn't get all of the details when the owner at time of all the updates called me, he did say he did nearly all of the work himself and he was not in the boating business.
Here is nice looking 46 (I believe). I like the white railing. Although don’t know if that will be a constant battle keeping it looking good.
I remember the rails on a Striker I used to work on were painted. I thought it looked good. The 46 year old treatment on our rails look pretty sad and been thinking of painting them. I think it was SplashFL that has some metal treatment to his stuff and If I survive this falls projects, may tap on that crew to quote work for us.
My boat is coming back to NC next year. That way it will be close and I may try that metal treatment as well. My rails are aluminum if I thought the paint would hold well I would have them painted or paint them myself. Not been that long since they did all of the aluminum on current boat but still nice and shiny.