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Getting Crew Work in the Bahamas

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by Hawkeh, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. Hawkeh

    Hawkeh New Member

    Nov 25, 2006
    Nassau, Bahamas
    I'm currently a 19 year old male living in Nassau, Bahamas and am looking to try my hand at doing some work on yachts. Very tired of working boring desk jobs and would love to be part of a crew on a boat. I have no experience at all right now but would be willing to learn. I'm also a US citizen.

    Anyone have any experience on the best way to get a job aboard a yacht down here? I was thinking to go to one of the marinas and introduce myself and give out my resume. Theres always lots of boats in the Atlantis marina and also Hurricane Hole but I'm not sure if they allow just anyone to walk the docks there.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Jump in the water

    I encourage you to build a resume and post it on the bulletin board just outside the office door (facing marina) at HH. It is right next to the pay phone.

    Atlantis will be a little tougher but go into the dockmatser's office and go back to the crew lounge and look for a board there or in the laundry room. Also, walk the west wide of the marina where the smaller yachts are.

    NYH is even tougher because they have a locked security gate. But NHC it is pretty easy to access the docks.

    Also, in your spare time, hit the docks and ask each yacht if there any "day work." You will need to start out by washing and chamois boats.

    You have to realize that most crewed yachts that visit the Bahamas arrive already crewed. However, occasionally a yacht shows up that is owner operated and they may need a hand detailing the boat. $15 per hour is the norm.

    Networking is also the key. You may try hanging out at the Parrot bar at HH. Remeber, you are trying to sell yourself. And in sales, it usually take 17 no's before you get a yes! Don't be discouraged. One day you will land a job.

    Best of luck to you.
  3. Hawkeh

    Hawkeh New Member

    Nov 25, 2006
    Nassau, Bahamas
    Thanks for the reply. I've been trying all this past week to get some work but have had no luck so far. Going to keep trying!
  4. mr_sunseeker

    mr_sunseeker New Member

    Jan 17, 2006
    UK & Med
    In addition to that good advice, I can suggest bridging the move from office to yacht by getting some basic yachting and first aid certificates. You will enjoy the short courses if you are interested in yachting, it's an inexpensive investment in yourself and it will make your CV look more attractive, show people you're motivated and serious, plus you never know who you will meet when doing the training. Let us know how you do and good luck.
  5. Jcam

    Jcam New Member

    Nov 1, 2006
    Fort Lauderdale
    Your in the right place. Follow advice of previous posts & also let crew agencies in Ft Lauderdale your intent and location. Lots of boats at HH & Atlantis look for dayworkers. That's the quickest way to get your foot in the door. Good luck!