Spoke with Ron, they don't have any info on it. I have an electrician who thinks he has a source for something compatible.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/1562954597...U6RwspnSJy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY that’s the control I have. You could trace the wires and replace the plug with a new one.
That's the MarQrap controller we deal with also. The extra pins are for power rotating. All with a dedicated contact and return to the pump solenoid valves. Once the dust (poo) settles, I have a thread about MarQrap davits coming. I hope they are not a sponsor here??
Eat your pop corn. YF admin did reply, MarCrap is NOT a sponsor here. Short version; I would tell all that MarCrap davit support and sales is a one man show. And this guy has a tood, when you can get a hold of him. I have a $14k hardware receipt on my desk so I'm not talking about little stuff.
Regarding the davit winch controls - due to the cost of the controller and possibility of still having to rewire it, the age of the winch, I'm going to replace the winches with new. Peace of mind is worth a little extra $$ sometimes.
I simply removed mine and had it rebuilt, far less than buying new and just as reliable. All depends on the condition....
I had mine rebuilt as well. Had the cylinders repaired, new hydraulic lines, then sandblasted and repainted. Yachts and diesels in Ft Lauderdale is who did the work. It was far less than the $12,000 quote I got from Marquipt, UMT I believe wanted about 10,000. This was four years ago.
With 2 new cylinders, new hoses, post bushings, two techs, on site rebuild on our MarQrap 1500 was over $20k. Still cheaper than a new one but still a bite on the checkbook. Oh, same pump.
Y Yes, sadly Marquipt service falls very short these days. It appears they are very short staffed for whatever reason.
Been that way for at least 5 years now. Guess when your one of only a few. YRM on the other hand has given us stellar customer service on other things.