Hello all...new to the group and new to Carvers....looking at purchasing a nice 1998 405 with cummins 6bt motors and 20x 24 props....the problem (well one of them) is that the motors will only turn 2400 at WOT... I heard the surveyor say and wrote that this isn't correct it should be 2800....my question is what prop sizes you all have on your boats... Thanks Bill Hendrickson Toms River NJ
There are so many variables that would keep the Revs down, Props would be on the bottom of my list. Was this the boat surveyor or engine surveyor reporting? Is the bottom and gear spot less clean? What is the full model number and @ what HP tune? What is the WOT high idle? Last fuel filter service? What does the primary fuel filter bowls look like. When was the last time the boat made RPM?
Hello Capt Ralph...well the bottom was power washed during the survey as far as the rest goes I don't have that info here....Its the 330B if that tells you anything...Owner didn't provide much info as far as service on the fuel system and the boat, according to the owner of the last 18 years, never made more than 2400 rpm....
To ad on my post #2, any comments on exhaust smoke color??? This could be important. The 6BT (Not the 6BTA), just broke the 300hp ratings at 2600 RPM. With the after-cooler (6BTA), more HP was developed at 2800RPM. On the forward / port side of the engine is the serial number and spec plate. This Cummins plate offers the HP at RPM. We like for the RPM to go past this number another 100RPM WOT on a light boat. After a real Cummins tech surveys the engines and checks the governor high idle, he will run the engines, compare real tach readings below with what the dash states and make recommendations. Engine service may be required, throttle cable adjusted, tach adjustment or just 2 inches of pitch removed from the props. You wont know till a real Cummins tech advises this. Your fixing to make a heavy investment, even on a Carver, you need to ensure all is correct before your fortunes go into that hole in the water, as it all will eventually go. It's a boat. Oh, I forgot; Welcome to Yacht Forums. Your tapping on us in the middle of the week. Hang on a while and others may come on this thread and offer other thoughts.
These are the 6bta's and I am leaning towards getting the Cummins tech to look at it....we are also looking at lowering the offer we made quite a bit.... I know what you mean by "its a boat" we have a 2001 Silverton 351 that we are trying to sell now!! So I know a lot more about "big" boats now and how to purchase without losing my shirt!! lol Thanks for the info and I look forward to other replies.... Thanks BIll
Your opening line was "Carver 405 with 6BT prop size" . Now it's 6BTA? My notes are correct but now you do need 2900 to 3000 on a light boat, WOT. After high idle and all else is verified. Still wish for exhaust smoke color when it was at WOT before. Just making a low offer is not doing your self any favors. What if the turbos are needing replacement? Injector pump issues? Air cooler fouled? Long block issues? And More? Cover Your Assets, Get a real Cummins Tech in there to survey the engine. Or, have the owner fix all before sale. But still have them surveyed.
Yes..my bad..should have put the correct motor....and all the info I am getting from the Cummins Tech I called on the phone today, after the survey, is it should be making 2800 rpm at WOT....thats the way Cummins would have left it when it was shipped from the factory... The only indication was black smoke on initial application of WOT...then only one motor was putting out a slight amount of black smoke...of course this was the motor that just had its head rebuilt and aftercooler tested and cleaned... The Cummins Tech is the guy who told me to check in with the forums and see what props most guys are running on the Carver 405....
Once the engines are made right... it's not uncommon to do a WOT test... or use the results you have if the bottom was sufficiently clean and the engines were otherwise running well... then tell the prop shop what RPM you saw and what RPM you want. They can modify pitch, within reason... 20x24 may have just been Carver's best guess, and previous owners may not have done anything to dial in the props... -Chris
So I guess I am asking what size props does everyone have on their 405 with the cummins 6bta's??? I am trying to find out if there is a common size that everyone is using.... I also heard from the diesel mechanic who has been working on the boat and he feels the props are the wrong size and they are just plain worn out....they are original to the boat. So retuning wasn't really an option at this point.... Bill
Can't speak to sizes, but Carver is still in business... so you may be able to discuss with them, If a real prop guy told me the props are "plain worn out" and tuning isn't an option I might believe that. Diesel mechanic, even well meaning, maybe not so much without educated confirmation. -Chris
I agree....next spring when its up on the hard I will probably take them the the local prop guy....I've had them do prop and shaft work on my Silverton 351 and they were excellent....I'm hoping a good tune will be the answer but I have a feeling they are "just plain worn out" they haven't had any real use in 18 years...it was a floating condo.... I may be in for a lot of maintenance and repairs...lol....hey, that's half the fun for me...we don't go far and just cruise the river in the evenings! Bill
The main reason props can be “worn out” is galvanic corrosion. Does the metal show any side of discoloration, pink color? if you give a good prop shop the info on the boat incl displacement, gear ratio, engine size etc they will be able to run the numbers and tell you what is needed. Missing 400rom is BIG deal unless the boat is exceptionally clean and real cheap I would walk away. Too many things that can be wrong and expensive incl the engines
All good brother. I must had been one of their last phone / support calls earlier that year. I was telling folk to call them also, till somebody slapped me down with "Their Closed".. Shame also, That last call was very helpful. Like the Lurhs, Bertram, Hatterass & other shops closing, lots of boats out there with no factory support.
The props are in good shape as far as a physical view....on the survey they power washed the boat so we could inspect the running gear.... The boat is exceptionally clean and has had tons of work done to it like all new sanitation lines and zero leaks or water anywhere in the boat or bilge...it was used as a floating condo and according to the owner of 18 years it never achieved 2800 rpm on the motors....I'm going to have the props checked next spring or this winter when I have it up on the hard.... both motors have also been maintained by local Cummins Tech who told me about the props...the mechanic in my marina is saying the same...props are wrong pitch... I was hoping someone would chime in and tell me what props are on their vessel so I can at least get a consensus of which props these things are running....Carver is out so there aren't many other choices but everyone's knowledge. Bill
So, the seller won't make this rite? Or; The selling price is that good on a 26 year old boat (near free)? Dock queen engines may be an issue by itself. It is the engines that is the only hard value here. The rest is land fill or artificial reef material. If the engines don't spin up correctly, have been run out of tune, have been run over-loaded, been run full of soot or run with rust on the exhaust valves, it may be more than just removing a couple inches of prop pitch. Not been running correctly in 18 years means some time has been placed on these engines with it's issue, that your still guessing at.. Not trying to upset you, wish you great luck But if it is not running correctly before you throw a lot of purchase cash at it, it may take lots more unexpected cash to fix it beyond what you were day-dreaming. Then, sometimes, good Barn-Finds do Happen..