We’d like to remove the half round teak trim from the deckhouse on our ‘85. Spectrum Color offers quarts/gallons of Post “Old White” gel. They do not offer the color in the repair kits/gel paste. Seems like overkill for 3 dozen screw holes. Curious if anyone else has experience with any other premixed gelcoat colors from Spectrum or Fibre that will match the original close enough. Follow up question - has anyone used the Post Old White gelcoat on their boat and is it a an exact factory match? My wife reminded me that we have a pulpit project in our future…
Yes. Several years ago I wanted to paint a teak stripe across the front of the boat where your teak is mounted. I worked with the paint Master at Merritt Supply in Pompano Beach to develop an Awlgrip color. After burning through a few pints of different colors we came up with a perfect match. The paint Master asked me if I wanted to establish an official Awlgrip color for my new teak paint and I said yes, somebody else might want to do this someday. The paint is now an official all grip color that can be brushed or sprayed on. It is called "fireme teak". Anyone can order it because the mix is recorded. I called it fire me because if I didn't get it right my wife would fire me from the paint job. I still have the can if you need a picture or more information on how to get that color.
Thanks for the tip. I am actually looking for pre-mixed gelcoat or gelcoat putty that matches the factory color from Post. When we pull the teak trim off the boat, I plan to wet sand the surrounding surface and need to fill the screw holes to match the original gel coat that came from the factory.
You do realize that factory gelcoat won't match your faded gelcoat. It has to be custom tinted on site to match the current sun bleached color
To be clear, I am attempting to fill 5 dozen #10 screw holes that are in factory gelcoat that has never seen the light of day. Sealed and covered by half round teak trim the boat’s whole life. I’m well aware of gelcoat 101.
A painter I used to do some deck repairs called Merritt, who sent a man to my dock with an electronic gizmo for matching gelcoat for them to create a custom Awlgrip mix. The paint came out so perfect that even knowing where it met the gelcoat, a color difference can not be scene.