New to boating. Windlass on 26’ cabin cruiser I bought is smooth drum, 3 “ diameter, no gypsy. Will it retrieve 1/2 “ 8 plait nylon rode? Thanks if you can answer!
Can you identify the windlass maker? Model? If so, have you asked the manufacturer? Or can you trace down the typical systems that boat maker usually installed (assuming factory install)? Sometimes folks with the same boat brand can help faster... Sometimes online folks can identify maker and model from pics... -Chris
If you can get sufficient wraps on the drum, hold tension on the tail while hauling and the rode itself is somewhat pliable it will haul it up.
You might find it easier/simpler/quicker to retrieve your ground tackle by hand. You will be carrying a very light anchor, probably not much chain if any, and 1/2" nylon is very light stuff.
Easier to use a buoy and ring to raise the anchor for a boat that size. Then you just coil the rode into a bin.
Thank you everyone for your comments. It’s nice to know there are experienced voices ready to help! I got a deal on half inch braided line and went with that.