Western shore of Shroud Cay. Anyone know the story with this boat? Could not find any articles or mention of it. Has a date of Feb 2024 scratched into the cockpit table. Took this picture last week. It has been fairly well stripped...surprised the crane and satellite domes are still intact. Thinking the Exumas expert Pascal will know.
No idea. We were there mid February, must happened later. Funny i don’t recognize the shoreline, most of the western shore of shroud by the anchorage is very low and mangrove. if indeed on the west shore it must have been caught by a frontal passage but I m surprised the park hasn’t had it pulled off
I misspoke….it is the eastern shoreline, mile or so north of the lazy river and camp driftwood. Sorry about that…coffee had. It kicked in yet
Yikes. How the heck did it get there? No anchorage on that side and it a maze of reefs and rocks. Power failure and drifted maybe
I heard they ran aground and then it washed up after. Been picked clean by cruisers is the word on the docks.
odd. You really have to be nuts trying to navigate the reefs there… Wax Cay cut just to the north is safe and easy, maybe they thought they could get to Camp Driftwood?
Last week, there were several large cats anchored there...but it was super calm. I am surprised they have not pulled it out of there, since it is in the park. It is confirmed that the boat has been holed and full of water. I do have to say, from the outside, it does not look very bad.